Monday, November 28, 2011

Illegal Drugs

Drugs are classified as illegal substances when the government says that you are not allowed to possess that substance regardless of your age.  Examples of illegal drugs are methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, and marijuana.  If you are caught with these substances you can go to jail and you will be charged with a matter how old you are.'ve heard the talks since you were in elementary school.  "SAY NO TO DRUGS!"  I don't need to tell you that drugs are chemicals that will affect your brain.  You were taught that drugs have short-term, immediate consequences and long-term consequences that will affect you for the rest of your life.  You already know that one use can kill you.

So, why do people still try drugs?

The Foundation for a Drug-Free World states that some of the reasons that young people use drugs are to fit in, to escape, to relax, to relieve boredom, to appear grown-up, to rebel, and to experiment.  Are you willing to risk your entire future for one of these reasons?   
(The Truth About Drugs Booklet, page 6)

The following video clip shows several adults who used drugs when they were younger.  The common phrase is "If I had known..."

(Click on the following link to watch this short, three minute video, and then return to this page.)

In their booklet titled "The Truth About Drugs", The Foundation for a Drug-Free World tells the story of Ben.

"It started with the weed, then the pills (Ecstasy)
and acid, making cocktails of all sorts of drugs, even
overdosing to make the rushes last longer. I had a
bad trip one night . . . I prayed and cried for this feeling
to go away, I had voices in my head, had the shakes and
couldn’t leave home for six months. I thought everyone
was watching me. I couldn’t walk in public places. 
Man! I couldn’t even drive.

“I ended up homeless and on the streets, 
living and sleeping in a cardboard box, 
begging and struggling to find ways 
to get my next meal.” — Ben
(The Truth About Drugs Booklet, page 5)

In the beginning, I'm sure Ben just thought he was having a little fun...but see what happened.

As a police officer, I see this truth in reality on a regular basis...right here, in our town.  Don't let this be your story!

QUESTION THREE:  What are some reasons young people use drugs?  What would you tell someone who was trying to get you to use drugs?

Monday, November 21, 2011

"What Is a Drug?"

Just the other day, I talked with a twelve year old student who had already used marijuana.  This student was given marijuana by another teenager.  Substance abuse may not be a huge issue at our school, but for some of our is a way of life outside of school.  Something needs to be done! 

So, if we're going to talk about substance abuse, we need to state what that includes.  My definition of "drug" includes any substance and/or chemical that alters the way your body was designed to function.  It's easy to say that marijuana and methamphetamine are drugs...but that's not all.  There are many other substances that can negatively affect your life and the lives of those around you.

For the purposes of our discussion, the following substances are considered "drugs":
  • Illegal Substances:  marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, etc.
  • Prescription Medication:  any medication that requires a doctor's prescription
  • Over-the-Counter Medication:  medicine that you can buy in the store without a special license or doctor's note, i.e. cold medication
  • Legal, but Controlled Substances:  alcohol and tobacco
  • Illicitly Used Substances:  legal substances used improperly, i.e. huffing
  • Performance Enhancers:  using and abusing substances to make your body do more than it was intended, i.e. steroids
Whether legal, or illegal, any of these substances are addictive and dangerous when they are misused and/or abused.  Any one of these substances can kill you!

If the video doesn't play, click on the following link and then return to this page.

I titled my blog "Know Your Worth".  I truly believe that most people engage in risky and dangerous behaviors because they simply do not know how special and worthwhile they are.  There is a purpose to your life and you have value.  In order to become all that you can be, you need to start now by making good choices.  YOU ARE WORTH IT!  Don't miss out on what life has in store for you.

QUESTION TWO:  Without mentioning names, share a real-life example of substance abuse.  Maybe you saw it or heard about it.  Maybe it's your own story.  How did it make you feel? 
(Remember...don't mention names!  We are here to discuss and learn, not gossip.)

Monday, November 14, 2011


There is an older video that I own called "Masquerade".  Even though it is older, I love it and believe it is still good for today.  It features a man by the name of Milton Creagh.  You may recognize this name, because Milton Creagh actually visited Twin Falls within the last few years.  Creagh has a message.  It's a message for young people about the choices they make and how those choices affect your life and the lives of those around you.

In the video "Masquerade", Creagh says that our life is like walking down a hallway full of doors.  Creagh states that "each door is a different type of behavior that can trap you."  Some of those behaviors are good and some are bad.  Unfortunately, some of the bad behaviors sound really fun when you're listening from the other side of the door.  As a young person trying to fit in, it could be really easy to run right through the door.  But WAIT...will the fun only last for the moment?  How is that choice going to affect your life?  Will you be trapped?

One of the doors that you will have to confront is the door concerning "drug" use.  We'll talk about what a "drug" is later, but I'm not just talking about illegal drugs.  This door also involves alcohol, tobacco, prescription medication, and many more.  During the next several weeks we are going to discuss these substances and the myths that surround them.

You may be thinking, "I don't need another drug talk."  Well, I don't want this to be a talk...I want it to be a discussion.  I'm going to try to keep my posts short, because I want to know what you think about this issue.  Get involved in the discussion!  It's important that you comment, because it is through those comments that we are all going to learn how this problem affects us and how we can change it.

Our Quarter Two topic is...SUBSTANCE ABUSE.  Let's talk!

QUESTION ONE:  Do you think substance abuse is an issue at your school?  Why?  Have you seen evidence of it?

Sunday, November 6, 2011


When I lived in Great Britain, one of my favorite things to see were the castle ruins. Most of the castles were surrounded by a tall wall and during medieval times, guards would stand on that wall. They would watch for anything coming from the outside that would cause danger to the people living inside the wall. In essence, the guards were standing on the wall to protect the people.

In Frank Peretti's book there is a dedication page where Peretti dedicates his book...

To Mom and Dad, whose love and
encouragement never wavered, and to John,
who stood on the wall.

Peretti talks about the faces of the bullies that he'll never forget, but he also talks about another face...John. One day in gym class another student decided to demonstrate his "power" by punching out Peretti. John, who was a rather large student, stepped between this student and Peretti...and Peretti never had a problem with that student again.  John stood on the wall for Peretti.

I don't know about you, but I'd like to be known as a person who  
stands on the wall.  Is there truly anything better than that?

If the video doesn't play, click on the following link and then return to this page.

"I don't get involved. What's wrong with that?" YOU TELL ME!

QUESTION EIGHT:  Well, it's not really a question, but complete the following statement...