Monday, November 14, 2011


There is an older video that I own called "Masquerade".  Even though it is older, I love it and believe it is still good for today.  It features a man by the name of Milton Creagh.  You may recognize this name, because Milton Creagh actually visited Twin Falls within the last few years.  Creagh has a message.  It's a message for young people about the choices they make and how those choices affect your life and the lives of those around you.

In the video "Masquerade", Creagh says that our life is like walking down a hallway full of doors.  Creagh states that "each door is a different type of behavior that can trap you."  Some of those behaviors are good and some are bad.  Unfortunately, some of the bad behaviors sound really fun when you're listening from the other side of the door.  As a young person trying to fit in, it could be really easy to run right through the door.  But WAIT...will the fun only last for the moment?  How is that choice going to affect your life?  Will you be trapped?

One of the doors that you will have to confront is the door concerning "drug" use.  We'll talk about what a "drug" is later, but I'm not just talking about illegal drugs.  This door also involves alcohol, tobacco, prescription medication, and many more.  During the next several weeks we are going to discuss these substances and the myths that surround them.

You may be thinking, "I don't need another drug talk."  Well, I don't want this to be a talk...I want it to be a discussion.  I'm going to try to keep my posts short, because I want to know what you think about this issue.  Get involved in the discussion!  It's important that you comment, because it is through those comments that we are all going to learn how this problem affects us and how we can change it.

Our Quarter Two topic is...SUBSTANCE ABUSE.  Let's talk!

QUESTION ONE:  Do you think substance abuse is an issue at your school?  Why?  Have you seen evidence of it?


Kenna Stubblefield said...

I think it depends on what school you go to, some schools there is not a problem of substance abuse and others they can get so bad that the school has to be shut down.If I were at a school that had a lot of sustance abuse I would take a stand and fight for it to stop. Not with my fists with my voice, just to say that it needed to stop and a new begining to begin. Everyone deserves a second chance to be able to begin from a new point in life.If noone got second chances where would we be today in life as we know it.So I want everyone to stop and think did I give someone a second chance or did I just forget.

Joshua Goodson said...

I think it is an issue because someone can get hurt. I have not seen any of it yet, but I will keep watching out for it.

abdullah aljuboori said...

Yes it rely is, because it's a dangerous and they call it a crime and its a rely inappropriate for school and for the state and even for the contry, and I havent see no one of my school because we are the robert stuart bears and we follow school creed.

Kenna Stubblefield said...

I believe that it depends on what school you go to. Some schools have little or no substance abuse.Some schools have so much substance abuse that they have to be shut down. If all schools had little or no substance abuse life would be better for everyone. I am above the influence if that means I do not do drugs or drink achohol. If drugs were never invented no-one would be in jail for drunk driving and smoking marawona. Someone I know didn't get invited to parties because she wouldn't smoke or drink in the girls bathroom at school. I am like that I would not even touch a sigurate or a drink.That is what I have to say about substance abuse.

Chyna Moudy said...

I don't think substance abuse is a problem at our school, maybe at other schools. I have heard kids at our school say they have dranken or have been in a bar but i don't reply. I feel bad for people when they say things like that because sometimes they say it to be cool or they have actually drank. I don't think it's healthy for us to do drugs or drink all the time because then our world is in a different world. We see things differently we do things we wouldn't do that are very unusual. We are still kids we need to live our lives and never use drugs, if we want to drink like a beer or a margarita every once in awhile only when were adults over the age of 21 then thats okay. But drugs are death to our body. We are the Robert Stuart Bears and greatness is our mission not losing life and being a failure. We are the Best.

Chyna Moudy said...

Why do drugs? Thats what anybody things after they just quit doing drugs or drinking. What's the point of drugs and lots of alcohol. Well, does it make you a superhero,is life better that way, and are you on the top of the world where everybody knows you and think your cool. That's just what it feels like. Substance abuse shouldn't at our school. Drugs and alcohol aren't aloud at the middle school. We are strong bears, we don't allow that deathly substance at our school. we need to live great. To live great we follow life principles and rules.

Lorren M. 8th said...

I think that thats not the problem at our school. I think Bullying and Misunderstanding Is the problem at our school. At other schools that are much bigger than ours, ya it happens there, not here though. we Need security in bigger schools. One police officer/ school is a great way to enforce responsibility

two40three said...

I think we need to include prescription drugs in this discussion. The DEA reports that approximately 7 million Americans are currently abusing prescription drugs. This is more than cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, ecstacy and inhalants combined. I recently read that among 12-13 year-olds, prescription drugs are the drug of choice. Often times teens abuse prescription drugs because they believe it is not illegal, fewer side effects that street drugs and parents won't care as much if you get caught. Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are powerful, when abused, are illegal and can be just as dangerous as many street drugs.

Kenna Stubblefield said...

Stop: the drugs,the achohol,and just shower people with kindness.It is so dumb to do drugs whats the point in always being drunk.

Chyna Moudy [BEAR] said...

Two40three your thinking smart. That is true alot of people take advantage of medication/perscription drugs. Doctors give people those for a reason. They expect us to have responsibilty for ourselves and take how many were suppose to take at a certain time a day. so don't take advantage of that be smart think smart.

Kenna Stubblefield said...

I like that one that said because we are the robert stuart bears and we follow life creeds. We are the Stuart Bears and we don't do drugs at Robert stuart and we have an amazing principle. For Mr.Teske teaches us ,at Robert Stuart, not to do drugs,bully, and to get good grades. If Mr.Teske hadn't believed in me I wouldn't of left school on Friday with a silver award.If he still beleives in me this quarter I'm hoping to walk away with a gold one. Back to drugs with me doing so good I will never ruin my future. Everyone thinks doing drugs only ruins that minute they are very wrong it ruins your whole future so don't do drugs

Aren Luna said...

Yes i think its very bad for people that are still doing there education so if they did drugs they will probably be caught later in life and get sent to jail/juive and once they get out they would do it again. Probably get into even worse drugs like meth or cocaine of haroin and they may set a bad example for there younger siblings then they would wanna try it and if the older sibling really cared they wouldnt even offer and later in life the older sibling would be in jail and the younger sibling would be doing what the older sibling did and possibly die.