Monday, December 5, 2011

Prescription Drug Abuse...The Facts

The National Council on Patient Information and Education states that...
  • 1 in 5 teens has abused prescription drugs.
  • 1 in 3 teens reports there is "nothing wrong" when using prescription drugs "every once and a while."
  • 1 in 3 teens report knowing someone who abuses prescription drugs. 
  • Every day, almost 2,500 teens abuse a prescription drug for the first time.
  • Prescription drugs are abused more than cocaine, heroin, ecstasy and methamphetamine combined.

So, what's the big deal?  I found the following information on a brochure obtained from  I am quoting directly from the brochure titled "The Effects of Abusing Prescription Drugs are Painfully Obvious".

Between addiction and death there is lying, cheating 
and stealing.  Families are broken and friendships are destroyed.  
If you haven't gotten it by now, the reasons not to abuse 
prescription drugs are...
no one wants to be around someone who's shaking, stinking, and puking.  The physical effects of abusing prescription drugs include severe shaking, diarrhea, and throwing up.
when someone is passed out they're very boring.  Other effects include dizziness, heavy sweating, and loss of consciousness.
dead people are no fun.  The worst effects of abusing prescription drugs are addiction and death.

Prescription drug abuse is very dangerous!  Prescription drugs are safe only when they are prescribed by a doctor and taken as directed.  Doctors evaluate and do the necessary tests to ensure that the drugs they are prescribing to a patient will not harm them.  Prescription drugs taken without this recommendation, in the wrong way, and/or mixed with something they should not be mixed with....CAN KILL YOU!

Also, giving prescription drugs to someone else is a crime and you will be arrested.  Going to jail is not cool!

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QUESTION FOUR:  Did anything from this week's post surprise you?  What would you share with a friend who was abusing prescription drugs?


Anonymous said...

Dont do drugs that is what i have to say

natalie castilo said...

they are more exesilb to use also because you can get adickteded to it

Anonymous said...

prescription drug abuse is people who use drugs and they abuse people who they dont know and dont care about and they give them drugs.if doctors give differant drugs then people are use to they dont relise it until they get a phone call and thier costumers complain and want thier noramal prescription back.they

Anonymous said...

you can get adictted to it and u can die from it and get high off of it thats why its not good to do drugs.

Anonymous said...


Joshua Goodson said...

I would tell them not to do that because it cintains stuff that will kill you.

Christopher Anderson said...

Abusing perscription drugs is the stupidest thing you'll ever decide to do. They can kill you because of OD (over dose). Prescription drugs are different then counter drugs for example prescription may have something in it that you don't need and can you very sick. Counter drugs such as cough syrup,
and advil will take care of the pain and isn't very bad as prescripted drugs...

jazmine said...

precription drugs can make you go nuts and go crazy.your parents will give you theorpy and you will die if you use to much. theopy is okay but people who are on precribtion drugs hate it becuase they dont want to talk about thier soon your parents find out you may go to jail and it is not i am offering some advise to kids who use drugs ,please stop using drugs becuase all you are doing is hurting your family

Anonymous said...

drugs are bad

Anonymous said...

Prescripion drugs are only good if prescibed by a doctor. Drugs on advil, and cough syrup are good because it's used for sore throats and headaches....

Francisco Lara said...

y do they do drugs?i dont know but i do know is that its something really serious and could cause serious and pernament effect.if i were them i would stop immediatley cuz its just not could kill these people.this is a seriuos problem so i think drugs should never be done again!

Chandler collins said...

I would say that they should stop because drugs are bad for you. drugs sre dumb if you use them you could get hurt or even die. I would tell them that they are just addicted and they should stop. i would say i dont want them to get hurt. i would try to help is bad for people to use drugs and especially prescription drugs because those are for people who are sick.if you use to many you could die. i know people that have done drugs and i didnt like it.

Laci Davidson said...

I would share that there is a better path than to do drugs. If you keep doing drugs you will throw away your life and you will have no friends or family left to back you up or help you if you keep doing drugs. You will most likely drop out of school or get in trouble a lot because of your behavior and your urgg to do drugs. If you don't at least get a high school degree you will most likely be homeless. (We never want to see someone in our lives do drugs, but most likely there is someone you know, a family member, a friend who does drugs.)

Anton rambur said...

some poeople that abuse prescription drugs think that it isnt bad untill it is to late or they do not notice it until it is to late

sofia ambriz said...

i would say NO TO DRUGS or else that means that you want to tske your life

tia hall said...

you should not start doing the drugs because you can get adicted to them and develope a habit to them and then you may start worse drugs and you may get caught doing them and go to jail!!! DON'T START IT AT ALL!!!!!!!!

jessica martindale said...

abusing prescription drugs is really stupid it can kill you and if it doesnt kill you it hurts you really really badly i know that if you take the prescription drug morphine you go very crazy you start having hallucinations and it gets worse everytime you take it so my advice is dont do drugs.

A. D. Drex said...

Even though prescription drugs may make you feel better, they can be very bad for you. Abusing drugs, as a general, is not good for anybody, but prescription drug abuse is one of the worst things you could do. Abuse leads to addiction, addictoin leads to bad behavior in most cases, and that bad behavior leads to people not trusting you and not wanting to be around you. STAY AWAY!

niesa reyes said...

some people do drugs because of what happened in thier life. others use prescription drugs just to try to kill themselves. but heres the big one most people use prescription drugs because people say its cool,and its easier to get ahold of. well here is some thing to the people who use it DONT! it will either kill you or it will ruin your life. you will have heart or lung problems and others just die and they had a whole life ahead of them but they chose the wrong road. but what they chose is what they chose some choose a different path afterwords and others stay the same....... please just stop!

Anthony Garcia said...

Whats the point of doing drugs its just saying hey dude lets go ruin our life and grab some friends well whats the point its just going to ruin your life and that is a fact.

Anonymous said...

drrugs are really bad and cause over millions of deaths every year you should all know not to start.... I know that when you are this age alot of your friends are going to offer you it but even if you wanna be cool thats NOT THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

if you are doing drugs or starting to you should be smart and say NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christian gallegos said...

The people who use prescription drugs think they can get away from buying from dealers.Because if they get caught with drugs,they go to juvy or something.Anyways all drugs are bad so dont do it!People always do drugs so they can be cool and popular,but dont do them.If they ask me to do drugs i would have said:NOOOOO!

Anonymous said...

You should stop using perscription drugs! It can kill you and you can get your life thrown away! You are going to lose everything you have earned and accompished.

braxtin snow said...

Dont do perscriptoin drugs because u dont know what they can do. also because no one will like how your behavior. it is not a good habit if you do drugs. i dont know what drug abuse is and i dont wont to know so i cant blog on drug abuse

braxtin snow said...

but what i think drug abuse is when someone makes you do drugs

braxtin snow said...

if some on ask you to do prexcription drugs say noooo! and call the cops

olivia runkle said...

ok well i have tooken drugs ...but like for when i was sick a long time ago but yes they can be bad but not all the time. but then again people us them for getting hight or when there depress or very very very sad i mean that every one gets depress or sad or even mad but a i know is that people should be start then that. like really every one shouldn stop unless they have to.... so yea!!! HI miss.solomon!!! :D

Anonymous said...

omg drug are sooooo bad like stop taking them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or calls the cops!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dont do drugs it is every bad for you and they can miss up your life!!

heather saunders said...

people that use drugs that are not from doctors can make those people sick especially if its mixed with something that sholdn't be mixed with and kill them.

Miranda Satterwhite said...

When i get pain killers for my Sports Inguries i dont abuse them. If i do it would ruin my perfect Basketball, Track, Soccer life i have.I say drugs are not cool. DUH!! I would rather not be wasting my time on drugs and use my time for sports. To me sports are my drug, and people should worry more about school and sports than doing drugs.

Anonymous said...


Braxtin Snow said...

what does prescription drug abuse do to dont know so why find out this is why this blog is here to tell you not to find out what prescription drugs do to effect you and why most schools have drug free week.

braxtin snow said...

if someone asks you what are prescription drugs are tell them to talk to a teacher or parent because most students who dont do drugs so how do they know.

what i think prescription drug abuse is when a person doesnt care about other people. ive heard that one someone uses drugs they cant stop so why do people even use pre scription drugs. that is my guestion why do prescription drugs?

madasun meeks said...

i think that if you are going to do drugs then you should know what are the consequences and what it can do to you and percription drug abuse is when someone thinks or has been talked into taking drugs from a percription that when they are sick but they arnt now and use it for drugs and to get intruble if u do drugs i think that your not making the right decition for your futer and life and family and friends :)

braxtin snow said...

so why is prescription drug abuse happening probily because people start prescription drugs in the first place if you get prescription drugs. so why is so many people getting abused by people using drugs

braxtin snow said...

why do drugs just ditch drugs and live a good life. thats all.

marcos ramirez said...

poeple shouldn't do drugs it will kill them by over dose so don't do drugs.

Tegan Powell and Ben Carberry said...

drugs arn't good for you because the get you addictid to it and make you do things that you are not proud of. they make you hert your family, friends, and yourself. drugs. drugs are the reason young adults are dying. they cant control themselfs and they will do anything to get meth and other drugs. if yo u relate drugs to something i would pick suger. not because it is bad for you it is because it makes you aggresive, and you will do anything for it. drugs are getting killed, put in jail and, and go social path. and that is why drugs arn't good for you or anyone.

thegan powell said...

drugs are bad for you in many ways. you get addicted to the drugs and you do things you are not proud of. drugs are doing alot of things to people like, getting them in jail, getting them to hert there family and friends, most of all it gats them to steel. also it makes you be abusive. it will make you be abusive like it will make you beat up people. it will also make you be mean thats how drugs are bad.

braxtin snow said...

why do people have to do prescription drugs to say they feel good, they bully it is not to do but how do we stop drug abuse i wonder

braxtin said...

when you do drugs they are pretty much saing die

Joshua Goodson said...

I noticed that my parents are using prescription drugs. After they take it they fell fine for one day and then they get sick. My dad has been sick alot after taking them.

mason perez said...

i have expierienced the pain perscription drug users bring to your family and trust me it hurts... why waste your life on drugs when u can be so much more. dumb or smart, ugly or pretty, you are always better than drugs! i make a pledge to stay drug free to release my full potential!!
- mason perez

Beatriz Martinez said...

would I Think That Ill Have To Say The Following: you may have different things going on in your life but its not the way to put a stop on them..sometimes is difficult to speak out loud and leave all the preassure and what your afraid of..Drug abuse can see like a way of getting out of this life and you may think is nice feel like you dont have any problems and that you dont have to deal with nothing...If is like this sometimes yu feel that with what your doing could help other people with their problems too..but does it something you wont have an answer to it if you are already adicted..well the only thing you can do is trust in yourself at first cuz nobody can help if you dont want to stop by your self..Hopelly Our Officials made us feel contible with them so if one of us knows someone really needs help can just speak and try by all the posible ways to help them...drug abuse is really serious and people or in this case youth that do it are in risk..So and cant judge people that do it The Only Thing I Can Do Is To Speak And Really Try To Help Them...!!

Trevin Momberger said...

People only do drugs to be "cool" and to feel good then you get addicted to it then it just destroys your body you also can go to jail and its all for nothing you don't get anything besides ruined family relation, risk of death, stinking, puking and no friends

Levi Walters said...

Prescription drug abuse is bad in so many ways. The first thing is it takes your life and sucks you in to an endless addiction. I tears your relationship with people very quickly. You don't have friends or anyone to be around because you abuse prescription drugs. Prescription drugs are for if you need them not because they make you feel good. It also leads to steeling and other unacceptable behavior that will be caused by Prescription drug abuse. DON'T DO IT!!!!! IT CAN AND WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE!!!!!

Aurora Koldewey said...

I think people do drugs to feel better, like when they're depressed then they just keep turning to them. People should'nt do drugs unless if they're prescribed by a docter. If mixed with the wrong thing you could possibly die. People try to persuade you to do drugs, but don't or you might get addicted and you won't be able to stop. I challenge myself and all of RSMS to stay drug free unless if prescribed by a docter.

Anonymous said...

drugs are bad for you it can kill you and it can really miss yup your life. if somebody even does drugs it is every hard to stop doing drugs after because you will be adicted to it.

bob said...

dont do drugs its every bad for you!!!!!!!

angel martinez said...

never do drugs no matter how much they convince you to do...if your about to dodrugs think about the futre and your family mayb that will give you second thoughts about doing drugs.

RIVERA1 said...

if you or your parents did drugs you must get help right away or your life will be wierd and crazy for life until you get help. don't mess your life up you will not get a job and you won't have money for your self or your family. you will not be albe to get into college and wont get an agree and you will live in box under a bridge and you will have little food and little clothes.your parents will buy all your supplies so you can live and stay healthly and not be a stick for the rest of your will need to be carefull about your life and make smart decisions and be clean 4 life!!!!! dont screw your life up just to be cool and hang out late stay inside study or get ready for a test coming up or just keep your self entertained. dont i dont care if you are blind or deaf or what ever.......DON'T DO DRUGS!!!!!
35% are getting hurt becuase of people who do drugs

Anonymous said...

hi christen

Francisco Lara said...

i think people do drugs because they r depressed.its not ther fault... they are just confused on what is going on.they could be having a bad time so that was ther way of solving the probalem,but that is wrong.theres plenty of wasy to solve thing to havempyshical or mental there are addicted so now we gotta fight against it.. we gotta be the ones to take that choice.. we goota be the ones to live through this thing.. so say NO to drugs..

Heather Saunders said...

People that do drugs that are not from doctors can make them very sick and if they mix it with any other drug can kill them.