Why do people bully others? Well, there are many reasons, but I think the biggest reason is they like the feeling of power it gives them. Bullies gain this "power" over others by calling them names, spreading lies, leaving them out, threatening them, scaring them, taking or damaging their property, hitting or kicking them, pressuring them, and making them look weak and fearful.
Wow...I feel horrible just reading that list. Imagine being the victim. Bullying can make a victim feel unsafe and afraid, unhappy and lonely. Bullying can cause a victim to doubt and blame themself, lose their confidence, and puts them under great mental stress. Sometimes bullying can even make the victim physically sick from fear and anxiety. Would you want to live this way? Do you live this way?
I'm tired of all the "band-aids" we try to put on this problem. What do I mean? Too many times we just don't know how to solve the problem, so we give solutions like "just ignore them" or "stay away from them". Are these solutions? No way! The problem is still there.
So, how do we truly SOLVE the problem of BULLYING? Well...that's next week's topic...
QUESTION THREE: What do you think would truly solve the problem of BULLYING? (not a "band-aid"...a real solution)
(Certain ideas and excerpts taken from pages 28 and 29 in The Wounded Spirit Leader's Guide.)
This is YOUR site. Tell me what you think about the posted topic or ask any questions. I only have three rules. First, honesty is valued and encouraged. You may not agree and that is fine, but keep it respectful and clean. Second, do not post comments meant to hurt another person or point them out by mentioning names. Third, if the comment is encouraging an illegal activity it is not allowed. All posts are reviewed prior to being published. Let's talk...
Honestly,why I think bullies bully kids is beceause there jerks. I think they bully other kids because they have under developed brains and they don't know how to interact with other kids, so they bully them. Let me tell all you
6th graders who are or might be bullied in the future, I was bullied in 6th grade so I how it feels. So here is some good advise never let your guard down if someone is bullying you don't just sit back and take it. Tell an adult right away, so it doesn't get even worse. Always stop the problem right away. Stop the lies,bad behaiver, and meanness. That is my comment on bullies.
This I believe is a problem where all solutions under school policies extremely uneffective, Tell a teacher, one I don't listen to what teachers have to say, just the work, so I think it should be taken up with fights because in your mind you know nothing else will work. I have yet to know of another solution. RSMS Child
I think that bullies pick on people because they feel uncertain about themselves and just enjoy having the power over their victims. And it is ture that their are some people and that includes teachers that sometimes try and suager coat the situation. It's not the victims fualt that the bully chooses them, and its not that they (victims) are the ones that did something to offened the bully. NO, it's that their fault they look the way they look, dress,or whatever definds them. And iI think that is a big thing now, that the bullies pick on a certain person because they wear glasses or wear button up shirts. I think that the victims should seek help right way, they should talk to their principal and make sure that the situation is dealt with. There also should be major consequences for the bully becuase shool should be a safe enviroment for all types of students. So if you are beging bullyed get HELP RIGHT AWAY!!! So yup we should stand up and help thoes who are beging picked on, WE SHULD STOP BULLYING!! Everyione deserves respect and simple kindness.
Interesting comment from Anonymous...I love the honesty. I know that so many students feel that way and it breaks my heart. As a school resource officer I am committed to ensuring that I do everything in my power to stop bullying. I think for too long we've allowed the bullies to win because there is no easy solution. My commitment to "RSMS Child" and every other student, is that if you come to me something will be done and we will work together to come up with a real solution and not just a "band aid".
I also want to touch on the topic of fights...unfortunately, the law says no. If you fight back, and there is no immediate fear for your life, it becomes a mutual situation and you can be held equally responsible. That is why I want to help students come up with better solutions that will truly solve this issue.
The second comment is messed up because if you just fight someone because they are bullying you then that eventually makes you a bully which then leads to prison and no one wants to go there so.
And dont write on any of the bathroom stalls because last year that was a huge problem and it caused us to lose bathroom allowence and hurt a lot a kids filling.
I want to help Officer Solomon in stomping out bullying. It is a horrible thing to do and it needs to stop like right away. Officer is right with everything that she has said. That bullying needs to stop. How I keep the world a better place, I follow the school creed which is: We are the Robert
Stuart Bears and greatness is our mission! To be great great, we live great.To live great , We follow life principles that make life better for us and everyone around us.Our core priciples are:Personal Resonsibility, Hard Work, Mutual Respect,School Pride and Simple Kindness. Writen by the Famous in my mind Mr.Teske. That is how I keep the world better.
I think that bullying is mean. The bulling at this school is horrible. If you where to ask the kids who bully people what would their parents think they would. probbibly say that it is not tallerated. if their parents new half the of what the bullying of the other students get put on them they would feel horrible.
when i think of a bully i think of a big strong person who has ether been held back or even bullied by someone bigger than them to. the bullying in this school is outrages.even though it is not tolerated.
Bullies put others down, because they think it's cool. They do it to show off and get attention from others. They just don't have that great of friends. If someone were to bully you, befriend them. If that doesn't work, tell an adult. Bullying must stop. bullies bully, because they want power. That's all I would be able to comprehend at this time, on bullies
Bullies put others down because they want power, they want someone to listen to them. I think this is, because they don't have any friends. I have never been bullied, just teased, AND TEASING IS JUST AS AFFECTIVE. People think they are all cool. So, if you are to be bullied, befriend them. If that doesn't work, go to an authority. Be the better person and WALK AWAY. If they follow you go to a public place where there are witnesses, and tell an adult right away. It sucks to be bullied, and we NEED to get rid of it.
what i think is WHERE ARE THE PARENTS! do they even care? maybe the kid is bullying cause there is something wrong in the family or he is being treated bad. Thats the number one reason why i think that some kids are bullying. I think how we can stop it is that you can sit them down and ask whats going on and why they like to do this.That's the best guess i can come up with. It was funny cause when i walked through the living room dr phil was talking about bullying and he brought a bully on the show and he was asking her all these questions and she said that she likes the attention and she wanted to be the most popular in the school. i think that is really immature that people would do that.
I agree. Bandaids are allways given to children. There has to be some real solution
All I know is that bullies need to know right from wrong its not their fault they are abused at home or at school by other bullies or even parents but all of you bullies out thier be kind to somebody and you will be treated with respect by other people then all the other bullies out there will look at you and maybe will change their act too. All you bullies out there if you would just think would you like it if you were bullied
I agree with everyone. I mean bullying is bad i get bullied alot and i say im telling and they said im calling the cops and i said fine okay. Then I dont tell because i feel Scared and afiad And i tell then they get in trouble and i say thanks for saving my life (:
I think bullying is not awesome or funny, people think their friends would like them better just because they're bullying someone else.
Bullying is wrong, people think their friends would like them better because they would bully someone else just to make their friends feel happy.
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