Monday, September 19, 2011

Time for a Change

I want you to imagine for a moment...Think about someone who has been bullied.  Imagine that you had a sheet of sticky labels and a marker.  I want you to write all those nasty names and negative comments on labels and (in your mind) stick them all over that person.  Now, imagine for a moment what that person must feel like.

Frank Peretti was that person.  He was attacked with labels from the time he turned five and entered kindergarten all the way through middle school.  Frank says that the worst moment, however, came when he had his first PE class and everyone had to take a shower.  The "attack" simply got worse...and for something he had no control over.

Fortunately, Frank Peretti's life changed.  One day when he was feeling especially low, a teacher...ONE teacher...asked Frank how he was doing.  Frank says it was the first time anyone had expressed an interest in him as a person.  Frank wrote a letter to that teacher detailing everything that had been going on and that teacher made the changes necessary to completely alter Frank's life forever.

Just last week I had a student come to me.  Another student had called him a name and everyone around him had laughed.  The student stated that following that incident several other students started calling him that name as well.  The student was "wounded".

I think it's TIME FOR A CHANGE!  All it takes is ONE...ONE student...ONE make a difference in a person's life that will last forever.  Think about the story that "The Standards" shared with us last week.  Will you be the ONE?

QUESTION TWO:  Do you think it is time for a change?  What would you like to see changed?  How can you be the ONE to make this happen?


Katie K said...

This reminds me of the book "You are Special" by Max Lucado

Below are some parts of the book, that remind me of what children deal with every day.

All day long, every day, the Wemmicks did the same thing. They gave each other stickers. Each Wemmick had a box of golden star stickers and a box of dull gray dot stickers. Up and down the streets all over the city, people could be seen sticking gold stars or gray dots onto each other. The pretty ones, those with smooth wood and fine paint, always got shiny gold stars! But if the wood was rough or the paint was chipped, the Wemmicks gave dull gray dots. The talented ones got stars, too. Some could lift big sticks high above their heads or jump over tall boxes. Still others knew big words or could sing very pretty songs. Everyone gave them shiny gold stars! Some Wemmicks had stars all over them! Every time they got a star it made them feel so good that they did something else and got another star.

There were many other Wemmicks though that could do very little. They got dull gray dots! There was one little Wemmick and his name was "Punchinello." He tried to jump high like the others, but he always fell. And when he fell, the others would gather 'round and give him dull gray dots. Sometimes when he fell, it would scar his wood, so the people would give him more gray dots. He would try to explain why he fell and, in doing so, he would say something really silly. Then the Wemmicks would give him some more dots!!!

Once"Punchinello." stop caring what others thought of him and stopped caring about getting gray dots they would no longer stick to him. You can read the whole story at the following link.

Dariela Leon said...

Yes, Officer Solomon I think that some of the students attending our school should change. In what why might you ask? Well, I think that nobody should be disrespected or laughed at for something that they have no control over. I am talking about the kids who have Autisim. It makes me mad when one of my peers starts to make fun of them because of what they look like, how they talk,and how they walk. Now u tell that right? NO, its not right because they had no control of what they where born with. We shouldn't be laughing at them we shold try to help them. They are amazing,very single one of them. So what I am going to do is wave, smile every time iI see them,or help out when I can. I will try my best to stop my peers from pointing to laughing at them, because we all deserve respect and kindness. I write this thinking of my friend Luis, he had autisim and he was truely an amazing kid.

Anonymous said...

some people need to just stop being rude because of what they look like, or how much money they own, or even how their hair is, because everyone has feelings, and everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness,... just like me!!:)

Katalana C. said...

I love your new story it,s very awsome.

Kiara Fuller said...

I think that everything that people are doing that can hurt someone should stop because maybe that person will get revenge and then that will just cause more like lets say jail lets say maybe even killed and im prety sure nobody will want I say LETS STOP THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alberto ortiz said...

i thought that was a good story and cool.

Twanthony said...

I like the mental picture visualizing what someone would look like if they were covered head to toe with yellow stick-it notes. I can also imagine how painful it would be to have terrible things said about you each day. Bullying is powerfully hurtful. I can also see the great need to showering people with compliments, praise, and kindness. I would guess that each compliment or kind word would erase ,at the very least, a couple of bad comments. Maybe More! I believe that kindness is as powerful as bullying. Kindness can save someone’s day, week, or life. Start sticking post-its of praise and kindness on everyone you meet. Try to cover them from head to toe.

Anonymous said...

I was the one that was bullied in grade school. I was always shorter than everyone. Even the grade bellow me bullied me. I wish someone would have stood up for me. evryone was calling me punny and small and stupid. If i had seen someone who was in the position that i was in i would have helped them. If someone is getting bullied that someone should find a friend that would stick up for them.

Anonymous said...

change is good well....... maybe for some people any.people say are going to change.other people say like "i like who i am" or "who wants to change"

Jason Eggers said...

People should just respect others for who they are and dont judge a book by its cover.