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What is sexting? Sexting is sending any text or picture that is sexual in nature.
Our topic last week focused on how once you post something, you can't take it back. You may think you're only sending a picture to your boyfriend or girlfriend, but you are actually sending it to the world. Even if your friend says they won't share it with anyone else, you are risking other people seeing you in a way you probably don't want.
It is not worth the risk!
The other thing that many people don't understand is that IT IS A CRIME! Sending an inappropriate picture is a felony offense and can result in your immediate arrest. It is also a crime to simply be in possession of the inappropriate picture. Even if you did not send it, just having it can result in your arrest. I've had the detective in my office already this year in regards to this very issue.
It is not worth the risk!
Your body and the private things that belong to you are yours and you should protect them with all that you've got. Once you "give them away" you can never get them back.
QUESTION FOUR: What do you think about sexting? Do you think it's a big deal? Have you had personal experience with sexting?
Sexting is very dngerous because when you send those images to to your boyfriend or friend with benifits. It is most likely that they will but it on the internet. After that ppl will send it to other ppl and everyone will know. You will be so embarresed. It will never be deleted then every where you go you have ppl laughing at you and you get really embarresed. Then if it gets to the wrong person like a grown up that is very dangerous could come and steal you away from the world and from family and friends. They could kill you or use you for all the wrong reasons.After that picture goes out it is out in whole world forever. You could be in serious trouble not from your parents but ppl wont like you anymore because they will think that you are a ****. People can be very dangerous so that is why yyou have to be very careful in this world but remember if you never sexted before you are going to be more successful in life. Sextin could ruin your whole life forever. It will be hard to find a good job and not just that you will horrible about yourself when it is on faceboook or any other site forever.
I think sexting is very bad!!!!!!!!
I also think it ia big deal because you don't know what they will do with the pictures you have sent. No, I havent had any personal experiences with sexting.
Just becuase you send photos of yourself to others it doesn't make you cool.It can actually be very dangerous. All the wrong people could see it. Childmelestors and rapers can see it and take you away from friends and family. It could put you in jail for sending out the photos. only a ***t would do that. Don't send the photos even if you lose your friends. Your family might even be in harm you should not listen to be in peer pressure. It is very sad. You will be laughed at were evr you go. It could ruin your whole life forever. Even twords a career.
I personally think it is bad. But I don't understand why it's illegal unless it's minors. If adults want to do it I believe it's their problem if something happens to it.
It is very bad and totally not worth the risk.
sexting is a bad thing cuz if you send a piture of you nakedn to your boyfriend or girlfriend ther more likele to put it on the internet of show hisor her friend a brage how hot you are and brage about it.
I think sexting is really horrible!!!! It's a big deal, so don't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!
i dont think anyone should sext because it does not only endanger youself but the person your sexting and alot of danger to your family and friends it is also illegal and i wouldnt talk to my friends if they were to sext so if you want to have friends that trust you to do the right thing dont sext
sexting is not good because it can get you in a lot of trouble with who ever you sexted whith and yourself so DONT DO!
Plz evrybdy dnt do! I Kno when u guys do tht so plz dnt do it!!!! It iz vry hrrble and it cd get yuhh in alt of trouble and i dnt wnt tht 2 happn!
Sexting is a very bad thing,you don't know who could see your private parts. If you sext you could get in a lot of trouble for it.Even if you think they won't tell anybody you never know who will see.Sexting is abused lately by all the 7th graders.I hear about 7th graders ALWAYS sexting each other,it is really gross.
I like turtl
sexting is very bad becous that person that ask you for your pic of you thay can post it on the enternet or facebook and then every body is going to make fun of you and you are going to wish you never did that and you are going to think that your an a** and you will get mad at the person and going to not be ther friend.
its dangerouse because you dont know if that is the real person that is texting you that can be someone you dont even know it can be a person that likes little girle
sexting is bad news, it will be posted were everyone can see. it is important not tosext
I am wondering why anyone would want to sext. It takes the private away from private parts, shows anyone that it gets to that you are weak enough to give in to that kind of peer pressure, and it could be posted on the internet. Once on the internet, always on the internet.College interviewers look at your background and things like that could totaly wipe out any chance of getting into the college you want. Then there are the rapists that keep an eagle eye out for that kind of thing and will find out anything they can about you so that they can snatch you up, taking you from family and friends, and doing nasty things to you before they dispose of you. It will ruin your life by labeling the school, which could get you critisizm and could make you loose friends, and it puts a s**t label on you, which could ruin your social/mental side. So don't do it.
Sexting is very wrong no one should do it!If you sext someone he/she might want to show their best friends or someone might find it on his phone and post it online. Even if no one does, rumours will be spread and even your teachers will know and boys/girls will take advantage of you for sex and wrong reasons.One of the anonymus bloggers said they didnt understand why sexting was illegal for adults too. Well I think because they need to stop in case if they sent it to the wrong person and it was a kid. Once some adults keep sending me bad pics, so I told my mom and she helped me change my number If someone asks you to you to send them inapropriate pictures say "NOOOOOO You Sicko!(and break up with them)
sexting is very very bad
A lot of people don’t realize the consequences of texting nude or partly nude photos. We might think the pictures and messages they send will remain private between themselves and the intended recipient or not understand that once something has been sent off into cyber space, it’s out there permanently and can come back to haunt them years down the road. Additionally, if the sext message falls into the wrong hands, it can expose the use to online sexual predators.
I know some people dont do it but that doesnt mean in the future you wont ether. i think this is a very important topic to talk about because at this age i know that sometimes we DO want to do it sometimes, but we have to stop our selfs and be like WOE this can get me in ALOT of truble
its extremly dangerous! one of my sisters friend was sexting and she ended up getting arested because thse guy she was sexting reported her for harassment so he could get money. the point is: Don't sext because something WAY more dangerouse could happen to you besides a law suit it could cause the person your sexting could think that you want something other than dirty TEXTING and one day while your driving home and you see a MISSING poster that could be your face and name one day....
sexting is a very bad thing if you text peple bad pics of yourself they are going to show there best friend and the word will get around and people will think your a bad person so for the favors of your student do not sext!!!! i like turtles
why would people do that. It's like giving away your virginity and do you want pics of you naked being posted online dont trust people who ask you for that type of stuff you dont know what there going to do with it
Don't sext, my friend tried and she got in trouble. I know kids who got asked the question of sending dirty pictures, thankfully she is smart enough not to do it and i'm proud of her. Be like her dont do it and tell an adult before it happens again
sexting is very dangerous there is many probles with that like you boyfriend can put the pictuers you sent to them on the internet and they cant get them off so sexting is not one of the greatest thing you can do but like most people just dont but every one has done it once or maybe twice but some people do it every day and all those pictuers go to the internet
i beleive sexting is horribly wrong.i just have one question.why would any body want to sext anyway.it could ruin your reputation.it could also give you a bad name.make a change in the world.DONT SEXT.
hey people don't sext it's a bad thing and you will get in trouble so don't do it.
i have had expierience yes, but it wasnt that bad. im against it because you dont know who your sending it to. like say there was a five year old on your account because you forgot to log out or your phone messing around and he/she sees that when they shouldnt.its pretty messed up for them so see dirty things like that when they are so young. :)
that is very dangerous beacause u dnt know y the ask u then y do they do it?? its bascilly like losing you pride and self of steam but this time its about u! some times people say "I wont ever do it!!" guess what they do it then u will get bullyed but u didnt listen and that is what happens when u do sexting. other people just cant handle the pain,embarresement,or the laughing anymore so so people that did sexting kill them selfs or can get really hurt from sick bad people in this world!!! so plz dont do sexting its dangerous and unsafe and just cuz u think they wont do anything bad with that picture think again!!
I think sexting is wrong and horrible and just does harm to yourself. Peolple dont relize how much they impact their lives they don't think twice. They think it's so cool, but it's not its bad ecspecially for kids our age. If your going to sext think before you hit that send button would you send this tho your mom,dad,grandma,grampa, or anyother adult or human being think twice seriously. And do it before you do any harm to yourself. No i havnt had an experience with sexting before
sexting is very dangerous because say somebody told you they know you and they said they go to your school and they want a picture of you don't send it because you never know what they will do with your picture.they might put it on internet or show it to your friends.if you send somebody a picture of you and they put it on internet it will follow you for the rest of your life. the person you sent the picture can see who you are and what you look like so don't ever do sexting because it will ruin your life!!
sexting is very dangerous. it can hurt u,ur freinds ur family. if those picutres get on the internet there were everyone can see them ur in huge danger it will take many oppurtunities. that u chould of had away. these peaple u think u can trust may backfire on u. ur life can be ruined with one click of a button. u shouldnt sext because in the long run ur life ur carier. everything about u, everything around u will chang.
I think Sexting is a big deal because you may get in trouble and maybe you want your boyfriend/girlfirend to see and then he/she may show everybody or send it to everybody which maybe embarssing to you and maybe digusting to them. I have never had an experience with sexting and i never will. I think people should stop sexting because it maybe personal to that person and it is gross to some people also.It can be dangerous also because it can be sent to total strangers and you didn't want them to have that and also you dont mean to send it to that person and you do and they send to all the people they know and they send it and it spreads and you dont want everybody to see so it is dangerous so dont do it. I think people should't do sexting.
My opinion on sexting is not very postitive, I don't even believe there's any good outcome to even pushing send if its anything sexual. It could be sent to ANYONE! Then they're going to foward it and you're gonna be the one who gets hurt from all of it. Say it got into your parents hands and seen what u sexted..What are you going to explain to them? It could go out world wide for all u know!! If the person is asking u for images, maybe its not a good thing being friends with that person
Sexting can be very dangerous no matter to who it is. You never know when thing can change from bad to worse when ur sexting. The imortance in this is that it should never happen to any of us,even at our age.
Sexting is BAD!
ONe thing i wouldnt want to do is this cause it is very Dangerous!
sexting is bad and dangerous you may not think it is till it is to late so just dont do it even if you think it is all right because the person may be a bad person even if you dont know he or she is a bad person they might be the person may be your bes friend but still it is very dangerous to you and the other person
i think sexting is not something that no one should do and if they do do it they should be taught diffrent . Its not that people exactly worry about you sending pics of yourself its the fact that the person your sending it to could try and find out where you live and try to hurt or use you for things that are very wrong so when you are on your phone make sure that you be careful of what you send because once you send it there is no getting it back
sending an inapropriate text or picture to someone else is lame
sexting is very dangerous because you may not know the person. you could get in very deep trouble when your parents find out. sexting is the worst thing you can do while txting.sexting can hurt or break your family apart forever and i know 2nd hand. it is the worst thing in the world. the people in your family love and care for you even if they dont act like it.sexting it where people in your life get hurt forever.
Sexting is very inapropriate and not right.If you sext you should stop now and throw your phone out the window because your not worthy of having a phone.Everybody should stop sexting,many people can see it so everybody should stop.I had a friend once and I'm not naming names but he used to sext ALOT with friends.
sexting is dangerous to yourself because it could totally ruin your life and you could go to jail for it.....dont ruin your life it will cost you.
What I think about sexting is that people are really dub to do something like that.I think that when people send pictures that are not inaporpriate to somebody they dont know that well,that person can edit that picture somehow,i dont really think how they will edit it but thats what i think. and yes it is a big deal,want to know why its a big deal well its because when someone posts it on internet or facebook,and its an embarrising picture,everybody will be laughing at you when you go to school.I WILL NEVER DO SEXTING OR SEND EMBARRISING PICTURES BECUASE YOU CANT BACK OUT!!!!!!!!!
Sexting is nauty nauty nauty. Nobody wants to see parts of your body or anything else. When people ask you to send a picture of themselves they think of it as a benifit for them to see. Sexting can ruin you if somebody catches you. If you have ever done it shame on you sending it or asking for it. When you send a picture don't go to school thinking your cool or awesome to other kids. Doing this can lose you a lot of friends. People will want to avoid you. Nobody wants to hang out with someone who has been sexting everybody. Your friends will avoid you because they don't want to be made fun of as "The Kid Who is Friends with the Sexter." My friend was being sexted by somebody else but after awhile it calmed down but one he had left his phone with his mom and suddenly was getting all of these inapropriate text. His mom talked to him later about it because he thought he was participating in the sexting. He told her but didn't belive him so he was grounded. DON"T SEXT IT WILL RUIN YOU!!!
sexting is a really bad think i think kids shouldnt do it but if grown ups want to do it its there problume. . . . . but i stell think kids shouldnt do it because other kids can show others and then they can put it on the internet to
Well I think sedating is dangerous because a pedifile is or can be reading you message and he could find out were you live and you could be raped.I know that we don't want our children or our grand children getting hurt by the bad people out there. I have something to say to every body.BECAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY OVER TXT OR PHONE BECAUSE YOU DONT KNOW WHO COULD BE LISTENING OR READING IT. DON'T DO IT
I think sex ting is bad because everybody can get in really really big trouble nobody should they should go to prison for the rest of their lives it's not right inesent kids dont deserve it no and if or butts about it
Heya i was with a friend and we tought it would be halrious to get a nude pic from a friend of ours. But we backed out the mineut we saw this site so thank you very much for warning us ( even dough you didnt intend to) :)
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