Too many of us simply don't want to get involved. I heard it in a comment earlier this quarter..."It's none of my business."
If the video doesn't play, click on the following link and then return to this page.
If you have a friend or family member that is using is your business! It affects you! Reach out to someone that you trust in order to get them help. Just "being there" or "watching their back" is NOT going to do anything for them. They need help!
What are the risks of telling someone? Well, they may be mad at you. What are the risks of not telling someone? Well, they could be dead. Make the right choice before it's too late.
Your friend gets run over by a car because he was too high to know he shouldn't cross the street. Your friend is paralyzed for the rest of his life. When you go to visit him, your friend asks you why you didn't do something. You respond, "I did...I was there for you." Get the picture!
Just like the video, you'd never let your friend do something that might kill him. You'd shout a warning and yell at him to stop. So, why do we keep quiet when our friends are killing themselves with drugs?
Do you have a friend that is abusing substances (drugs, pills, alcohol, tobacco, etc.)? Get them help...tell someone.
QUESTION EIGHT: If your best friend were to start using drugs, what would you do? Do you have someone that you trust that you could go to?
What are the risks of telling someone? Well, they may be mad at you. What are the risks of not telling someone? Well, they could be dead. Make the right choice before it's too late.
Here's a scenario...
Your friend gets run over by a car because he was too high to know he shouldn't cross the street. Your friend is paralyzed for the rest of his life. When you go to visit him, your friend asks you why you didn't do something. You respond, "I did...I was there for you." Get the picture!
Just like the video, you'd never let your friend do something that might kill him. You'd shout a warning and yell at him to stop. So, why do we keep quiet when our friends are killing themselves with drugs?
Do you have a friend that is abusing substances (drugs, pills, alcohol, tobacco, etc.)? Get them help...tell someone.
QUESTION EIGHT: If your best friend were to start using drugs, what would you do? Do you have someone that you trust that you could go to?
Please know that even though I'm a police officer, my first and foremost goal here at Robert Stuart is to help. My goal is NOT to arrest as many people as I can or get them in trouble. If you need someone to talk to about someone you know using substances, or even yourself...know that you can come to me and we will come up with the best solution.
You have to help your friend to get through a tough time. A simple hug might work or a hello. It's different with every person so help a friend to be a friend. If your friend is doing drugs don't say you won't be there friend any more that won't help them at all. What you need to do is sit down with a trusted adult and your friend and talk things out. You can make a big difference in the world. Your friend will trust you for the rest of your life. So help a friend to make a friend.:)
Please help your friend if their doing drugs. Show Robert Stuart why your such a good person. Just tell an adult i'm sure they'll help you with your problem. Even if your parents get mad at you they will still love you. Make the world a better place and help a friend.
If someone you know is doing drugs or has family thats doing drugs, we need to help them. Don't be afriad to tell them, would you rather have them mad at you or dead, or serious injury. if your a true friend you would tell them or give them advice. but if you think its none of your business then your wrong. you could help save somebodys life.
If one of your friends is doing drugs don't just sit around doing nothing. Talk with your friend and help them face there fears. Greatness is our mission! So try to help your friend. Talk to the councelor or a trusted adult. You can make a big change. Do your best and make life great for you and everyone around you.
You could go find a adult or go tell his parents.You can take hisdrugs and hide them and when you find a adult you know and trust go get the drugs and call over the adult you can trust an your friend and some others and his and yours parents.
if my best friend started drugs i would try and do everything i can to help then snap out of it. the person i can go to is my neighbor who i know wont start drugs and has a healthy life
that is what i would do if my best friend started drugs
if my friends started doing drugs i would try to help them stop, explin to then how bad it is for you or tell someone. i go to my mom for anything i would even tell her if my friends were doing drugs and she would tell someone
but you should never do drugs because it will hurt you and everyone around you. so that is what i would do if my friends were doing drugs
I would get an adult. I do have someone I trust in.
If my best friend was doing drugs I would try to help them through that phase and try to help them try to quit.
BE A GOOD FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lets say one of your friends is being bullied and you see it and dont do any thing about it then your not a good friend. If you see it and stand up for them and tell them to backoff, your a really good friend. remeber we can help people even if there not our friends.
If my friend started to do drugs i really wouldn't know what to do... if they were ur best friend it would be hard seeing them act up and do things that they wouldn't do. But if anything like that would have happen to me, i would try and try my best to help he/she to get out of the habbit of doing drugs. If they won't accept the fact that i was trying to help then, i guess i would have to let him/her go.... I would tell my mom,dad, a teacher, or even Officer Solomon and ask for their help. Something like that happening that's diffuclut to go through, ask for help....
If my best friend started using drugs and I knew about it I would first try to tell them that they are a better person than that. Your best friend doesn't deserve to die just because their doing drugs, we are young. I do have a special person I could tell, Officer Solomon, because no one else will know that you told her that. Officer Solomon isn't going to announce on the inercome what you told her, she will keep it to herself, that person using drugs, and most likely their guardian. Thank you Officer Solomon for making our school and city safe.
We also need to remember that drugs only start for certain reasons. We need to show that friend how important they are no matter what people say, do, and/or think. We are the BEARS! W e are the BEST!
i woul not them to stop and then tell my frinds parents, because the best way they could get the help for her
GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BE KIND !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HELP YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DONT DO DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we have to help people who are on or using drugs cuz all they are doing is hurting everyone around them.they may think it is fun and funny be drugs are no laughing matter.they should be treated better.
Oficer Soloman if my friends did drugs I would tell you or the counsler because you guys need to know so that you guys help them too.Just like when I do something I know will get me trouble if I lie about it before I tell you guys I get in even more trouble with you guys and my parents.Last weeks post was sad.And about the do I have someone I trust to tell. I do because I have my parents you the counsler and teachers who will tell you.
we need everyone to be happy and healthy and robert stuart.because if you use drugs your not happy or healthy and it just makes go crazy it makes people around you crazy.I am one pearson who helped a person out and what I mean is that I told on them because they were hurting themself's and there friends around them.I know them because I helped them and became there best friend.
Robert Stuart moto:
if my best friend started using drugs i would tell an adult and yes i would havae someone like a friend i could trust....
Drugs are a harsh thing. If your friend is doing drugs you need to help them.
If you had a friend that was useing drugs and you knew that it would slowly start killing your that one person that you care for. Would you just stand there and do absoulutly nothing to help them??? NO!! OF COURSE NOT!! You would not want to see that friend changing into someone who is unpleasent to be around, seeing them suffer from craving that drug non stop or knowing that when that drug is in them, that they could do something dumb and get themselves killed. Yeah, maybe at first you dont know what to do, besides being there by their side. But that isn't really doing anything for them, so go find someone who can help your frind with that problem. Be by their side through that long procues and let them know that you care for them and that you will always help them. Trust me, I would have rathered seen my friend still here then seen him die because of an over dose. So help your friend and be there for them.
You need to help your friend out as much as you can. They are your friend my friends and i have been through thick and thin. My friends have helped me through all mt rough times and somebody i can trust is my ff and my mom and dad. My friend used to do drugs i helped and wee are still best friends. i halped get over her addicton.
You can help people by telling there parets there techers and counslers they need the help badly I have helped alot of people in the world that needed it I told THERE parents because they needed it.They got really mad at me but it was worth the trouble.If you do drugs tell some one before someone else does you may get in trouble but it is for your own good because your saving your life not a friends not a family member but you are saving your self.
BE A GOOD FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BE A GOOD BEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BE YOUR BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DON'T DO DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i would tell then to stop doing drugs and get back on track to a good life . then i would tell the the side affects of donig drugs like what will happen
I would first of all try to have some back knowlage of whats actually happening, cuz I know is not easy for someone to deal with things alone, and theres many of situations that can happend around their lives and I know they can't trust anyone cuz sometimes most of the time is emberressing and they fell afraid so I'll not matter if they hate me for that moment I'll tell someone most likely a officer, parents, counselrs, or a teacher cuz if I dont I know I'm not going to forgive my self ever, and Ill tell them and try to help her because difficults things happend and I dont what anyone to do anything that is not right and know about something that is not right and keep it not helping i know I would be acting like a none hearted girl and no feelings for my friends! and well after I tell and everything is allright and my friend is getting the help she or he needs I know the'll give me thanks after all because thats what a true freind woul've do and thats what I'm willing to do if there is something that would or may happend!:)
Samantha Garcia said..
just help them out and know that your their dont betrade them help and show them that you care no matter what and the dont try to work it out or they dont care what you say their not your friend
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