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The internet...it's one of the best tools ever provided. Just think, without it, we wouldn't be having this discussion here. The internet is, however, full of unexpected dangers lurking behind every mouse click. It's a scary world.
This quarter we're going to be talking about CYBER DANGER. We're going to take a look at the risks we take when we share information online. We're going to talk about what happens when we share inappropriate pictures (including the risk of being arrested). We're going to hear stories of people who have survived meeting someone online, including the story of a girl who ended up meeting a convicted murderer and lived to tell the tale.
These dangers exist on the computer, your cell phone, gaming systems, and any other device that you use to connect with other people. Sometimes just typing in your name gives another person all they need to find you. That's why this topic is SOOOO important.
These are real stories and they happen right here in Twin Falls. Just last year I was involved in trying to locate a man from Indiana who had traveled here to Twin Falls to pick up a teenage girl. This is scary stuff!
So, our third quarter topic is CYBER DANGER. Let's talk...
QUESTION ONE: Have you or a friend ever had a scary moment online or with your cell phone? Tell me about it.
i had never had a scar momment in online or on the cell phone.
i have never had a scary momment but my friend has. she was on line and then we were just messing on facebook and there was a guy that wouldnt leave us alone he said he was going to find us. we were scared but we deleed her facebook then made onather one and were carful of the friends that sent her the requests.
yes i have my friend has been online and talking to someone on facebook and they started harassing him and trying to send him pictures and other bad things so the first thing he did was get off face book get away from the computer and go get his mom and it turns out the guy he was talking to was a person who has been online harrassing people all over the internet.another thing is i dont understand why people would want to go around trying to hurt or harm other people (or scaring) the best thing you could do to prevent something like that from happening would be to stay off the internet as much as possible and only try to get on when you have homework or when a parent is around as long as your not on the computer as much there is no need to worry about "Cyber Danger" so go outside and have some fun and be carful on the internet there are some real dangers out there and only you can prevent them
i was at the mall last weekend with some friends we where just hang out that night and we meet some guys that are 20,and 18 we got in the car with them and i told my mom about it and i was texting them and one day they came to my house i was ok with it at first but them my mom and i talk about it more and more and i got to know more about with my mom tought about it now i know that i am not going to do that again cause they could of done something to us and know one would know about it SO I WILL THINK ABOUT IT BEFOR I DO IT
i was with one of my freinds and he was on face book and he got a freind request and he awnsered it and the guy was 24 and the guy was asking him to meet him some were and my freind saind no and called 911 as quikly as possible
ya me and my cuz were outside and we were just about to go in side but we got a call so i out it on speaker and it was the school bully and he was talking about beat ing up my freind and then whwn he was done with him he would come for us so when we got to school we were looking caushishly to see where he was he came from behind us and luckly my teacher said run idk why insted of stoping him so we ran to the office but the princeble and vice princeble were at a meeting so we had to talk to the counsular she did nothing about it so we when to pe and he tried to hit us with a basketball then we were called to the office and we were in the best spot to tell the principal and we got him in big trouble and got kicked out and thats the end of my cyber danger story
my friend had this boy texting her he tried to get my friend to out with her and she said no but he still sent her pictures of himself and still tried to get her to go out with him but every time he asked she would ask him to stop asking and texting her but he still refused finall when she asked him his age he told he rthat age didnt matter so she never replied again because she knew he was older than her and that scared her after a while of not replying he quit txting her and she finally felt safer but she always looked out for him just in case he tried to txt her ever again
there was a time that i called the wrong number and this man answered an dhe said hello sweety and i told him that i had called the wrong number and hung up and from then on i always made sure to call the right number
There was one time an old lady called me and when I answered, she said, "Hey sweetie!" I was freaked out and a few days later her son, called and asked me why I was talking to her. I didnt know what to say, so I hung up and deleted the call. I also got a txt from a girl in Ohio asking me if i was going to go to her "jewelry party" in the dorms. Both times i got freaked and couldnt come up with anything else to say than "GOODBYE!"
I was in bed when the phone rang and I answered it thinking it was a friend. On the other end of the line was someone breathing heavilly. I told them to stop it or they would get a hernia. He completely wigged out and couldnt figure out what was going on, so instead he slamed the phone on the reciever. Im saying it was a prank call and he wasnt expecting someone to come up with a come-back like that, and I know I should have been scared but it was kind of funny.
I have never been in a situation like that before but my grandma has and she was mad.
hi people i dont like cyber bulling
my grandma was mad when she was cyber bullied
my grandma likes pancakes
i hate cyber bulling
Yes my sister had gotten a friend request on face book.She told me and my mom that a guy had told her to get a camera and take a picture of herself and send it to him. this isnt the first time it happend, so a cop came and he asked questions to my sister and my parents about what happend on facebook and what his facebookname was so they could catch him and make sure he doesnt do it again. but my sister said she didnt know his facebook name or email adress because it was anonymous.
i was in bed when the phone rang and I answered it thinking it was a friend. On the other end of the line was someone breathing heavilly. I told them to stop it or they would get a hernia. He completely wigged out and couldnt figure out what was going on, so instead he slamed the phone on the reciever. Im saying it was a prank call and he wasnt expecting someone to come up with a come-back like that, and I know I should have been scared but it was kind of funny
When I was on the computer once, This box popped up and it asked me to put an email address in it.
I closed out of it but it comes up every once in a while.
It started on Facebook when I was just chatting with my friends and all out of the blue this people just started telling me that they were going to beat on me and jump me I was so scared I hid in my room until ity was time to go to bed. Then the next morning I was going to delete my facebook because this has happened other times soo I was going to delete it when my phone rang I answered it and they were telling me that I was going to be a goner so then I judt told my Mom and we deleted my face book page and told them that the needed to stop and they did & that's my scary moment
yes along time ago so leave me alone
I have never had a scary momment, but I have seen the movie cyber bully. This girl just got a computer and got on a new site kinda like facebook. Anyway, she starts getting bullied online and she almost killed herself. She did not. I think cyberbullying is so crule. Many people try to, and sometimes achieve, to kill themselves.
Don't bully people online, everyone. It can lead to people killing themselves.
-Brandi Mattson
i haven't had a scary moment like that but my friend did once sort of. She was getting tons of spam calls and freaky stuff like that on her cell phone and she didn't know what to do. she was freaked out so she ended up changing her phone number. Also I don't know why people would do that. It is really harmful and hurtful and the world would be a lot better without stuff like that.
Yes, I have had scary moments quite a few times. About two weeks ago me and my friend were at her Grandma's house having fun, when we got a phone call so we answered. It was a guy and he was like "Hi Sweetie, where are you?" We thought it might be a friend messing around but it wasn't we just decided to hang up. One of My friends told me her sister was walking home and she thought a man was following her so she ran home and locked the doors and shut the windows,about half an hour later she looked out the window and his face was against the glass. She just called her Mom and waited for her to get home. Whenever I'm online pop-ups always come up.I had to get my number changed because someoe was sending inappropiate pictures.I wish people would just stop trying to freak people out even if it's just for fun.
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