In Frank Peretti's book there is a dedication page where Peretti dedicates his book...
To Mom and Dad, whose love and
encouragement never wavered, and to John,
who stood on the wall.
Peretti talks about the faces of the bullies that he'll never forget, but he also talks about another face...John. One day in gym class another student decided to demonstrate his "power" by punching out Peretti. John, who was a rather large student, stepped between this student and Peretti...and Peretti never had a problem with that student again. John stood on the wall for Peretti.
I don't know about you, but I'd like to be known as a person who
stands on the wall. Is there truly anything better than that?
stands on the wall. Is there truly anything better than that?
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"I don't get involved. What's wrong with that?" YOU TELL ME!
QUESTION EIGHT: Well, it's not really a question, but complete the following statement...
I COMMIT TO...standing on the wall for my students. I will do everything I can to ensure that nothing will hurt you...NOT ON MY WATCH!
i hate when other people r bullied.i have been bullied before and i stood up formyself there r people out there that dont deserve to be bullied and i think that people that bully just want to make themselvesfeel good but they r hurting themselves not the people they r triing to hurt.i stand up for a bunch of people that r being bullied and i have made friends with them because i helped them i am proud for what i did.i just want to let those out there know that if you r being bullied u can goe to either officer solomon or the counslor and they can help you out and if i am there i will stand up for u and any one else there
I COMMIT TO..... anything i can do to help my friends, family, and even strangers with bullying. I don't want anybody to feel hurt because all it does is gets people hurt. If you bully someone all that happens is you feel bad for a few days and then you say bad things about that person and it hurts you and your surroundings. We need to all COMMIT TO being a good person. I'm pretty sure that everybody in the Robert Stuart Middle School signed the Rachels's Challenge banner. Do you remember what that meant? It means that we promised to be kind to our fellow people in school and out of school. We are a great school ya we've all had our ups and downs but why not try to get along. Who knows the person you may tease or bully could possibly be your best friend for life or even something more than that. We need to think before we act. We are all great people on the inside. So lets show it.
Hey.. I KNOW THE AWNSER TO THE QUSTION.. Its Jeffrson city.. :) Autumn Shinn.. Thx office i respecte u.. :)
If someone is getting bullied i will stand up for them and make sure no onewill get hurt. If someone gets hurt from bulling I will find out who it was and tell Officer Solomon. If i see a kid thats cryingi will ask them what is wrong and helpthem. Once i got hurt from bulling and it hurt me my friend helped me and told a teacher.
If someone is getting bullied I will help them and tell a teacher. Once I got bullied and I was crying in a corner, my friend was helping me get up and dry off. She helped so much I'llnever regret that moment. Never bully someone. It is not what people should do...
I Commit to help other people and stand up for them.
i commit to when most people are seeing bulling going on they support it but the right thing to do is what i do i tell the bully to stop,also i have seen alot of bullies at my elemantry school and at that time i was cheering it on but when i got bullied i hated it soo when i so it i got in front of the bully and said go trough me first. if there were too many people i was th eonly one to try to stop the bully from bullying.
I COMMIT TO...being the best role model I can be and always standing on the wall for the students and teachers at RSMS.
I will stand on the wall of greatness because i'm a Robert Stuart Bear! We should all meet on the wall to stand on it and say NO to bullying. There's a place for all of us on this wall.
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