Monday, November 21, 2011

"What Is a Drug?"

Just the other day, I talked with a twelve year old student who had already used marijuana.  This student was given marijuana by another teenager.  Substance abuse may not be a huge issue at our school, but for some of our is a way of life outside of school.  Something needs to be done! 

So, if we're going to talk about substance abuse, we need to state what that includes.  My definition of "drug" includes any substance and/or chemical that alters the way your body was designed to function.  It's easy to say that marijuana and methamphetamine are drugs...but that's not all.  There are many other substances that can negatively affect your life and the lives of those around you.

For the purposes of our discussion, the following substances are considered "drugs":
  • Illegal Substances:  marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, etc.
  • Prescription Medication:  any medication that requires a doctor's prescription
  • Over-the-Counter Medication:  medicine that you can buy in the store without a special license or doctor's note, i.e. cold medication
  • Legal, but Controlled Substances:  alcohol and tobacco
  • Illicitly Used Substances:  legal substances used improperly, i.e. huffing
  • Performance Enhancers:  using and abusing substances to make your body do more than it was intended, i.e. steroids
Whether legal, or illegal, any of these substances are addictive and dangerous when they are misused and/or abused.  Any one of these substances can kill you!

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I titled my blog "Know Your Worth".  I truly believe that most people engage in risky and dangerous behaviors because they simply do not know how special and worthwhile they are.  There is a purpose to your life and you have value.  In order to become all that you can be, you need to start now by making good choices.  YOU ARE WORTH IT!  Don't miss out on what life has in store for you.

QUESTION TWO:  Without mentioning names, share a real-life example of substance abuse.  Maybe you saw it or heard about it.  Maybe it's your own story.  How did it make you feel? 
(Remember...don't mention names!  We are here to discuss and learn, not gossip.)


gillian asksins said...

Drugs are bad, because they can kill people.There is something bad in them that make you go cazy.So many kids are on it right now.Kid have die because of them we need to stop the people that make drugs.If we had no drugs we will have a happy and safe life.

calli goff said...

drugs are bad because they can kill you. thats how most of the 80's and 90's rock stars die.if you are one of those kids that do them please STOP!! I dont like it when people do them. I think that the people that sell them to under age minors need to stop or go to jaif for a long time!! that swhat i think

johny said...

drugs are bad

johnny simmons said...

drugs are bad because it is bad for your heart and it is un healthy
for your body i think people who make drugs need to stop and go to a drug rehab.people that do drugs do need to go to jail the dont desereve to have freedom because iif the dont get help yhe more trouble their going to get into.
people need to stop because they need to get help and and need to get in reab quick or their going to be in more trouble dont you think what's your opinion

preston paris said...

a drug is something that can mess up your life break up families and also kill you and people do drugs cause they think there cool and it is not cool when you do drugs cause it can mess up your life

annemarie colon said...

a drug is a chemical that can effect your body make you ill and can even kill you.

olivia kristin runkle said...

drugs ....i have a friend that did drugs. i told her to stop use drugs and every thing like that.i still think she does them im not sure. becuase i think she moved.i dont know what to do about it. i still talk to her she been going to parties.and she is still drinking alcohol to i try to stop but i guess it none of my buisness.

marisol said...

My mom and my dad drink and me and my brither has been sick of it so me and my brother did something about it we talked to them and told them if you two want me and my brother home then you two have to stop drinking because its not good for you and now my mom and dad havent been bring for a lest 2 mouths now.

monique rico said...

drugs are just naturally bad for you if you do dugs you have a decesion to stop if you don't stop than i can not do nothing than feel bad for you and your life... if people are telling you that it will help you ddon't believe them because they are lying they try to trick you so they can do something bad to you... but you have a choice chose right please nobody wants to see you hurt...

breeana said...

drugs r bad they have killed alot of people

breeana said...

drugs r not good for you drugs will kill you

Brooke Coombs said...

drugs are bad they have killed alot of people but some drugs are used for cancer and some are for relexing if they are from a doctor but i think no one should because it will break families up and it just hurts people so that why i dont think drugs should be used at all

breeana galbreath said...

drugs r very bad for you they lead to death :(

slade wageman said...

i think drugs shouldnt be used cause they can hurt you really bad and they can kill you. i dont want to do drugs cause i want to live my life the way is supposed to be living healthy and playing sports. i think people who sell drugs are wanting to hurt other people too cause they know they are hurt and they dont want to feel bad for them selves.

Robert kekerovic said...

Drugs are bad they can make people loose their jobs,family,and houses.Some people die from drugs, other people do drugs just to be cool.If they stop or go to jail,I hope they will have time to think what they have done.

Marcos Ramirez said...

A Drug is a type of chemical that can kill you. More then 20% of students that are teenagers have did this drug before poeple on the streets call it weed. kids that are 12 are now trying this type of drug. Cocecane is making the kids who had try this isn going crazy. I would hate to do drugs at a youn age like 12 even betokiottter not at all. I hate to see mothers kill there kids for drugs.

Officer Solomon said...

Olivia, I'm so sorry about your friend. In a few weeks we're going to talk about how "being there" and "watching their backs" isn't enough. So, what do you do then? It's common to think that it's none of our business, but if it's a friend we care about...maybe it is. Maybe taking a step to get them help, even if they're mad at us for awhile, is worth it.

Joshua Goodson said...

I knew someone who was drinking and driving and they had died because of that.

chyna moudy said...

Well it's not neccesarily anybody that is in my family. I do have friends thow that have family who drink too much or have done drugs. My mom had a cousin that did drink alot and there was one night that he was at a party and he took these perscription drugs and was drinking. He was feeling tired and went to bed. The next day he didn't get up. It turned out sadly that he had passed away. He was only 21. We should never take too many perscription drugs or drink too much. It's bad for our body. Be who you are not what other people say you are. Never let someone get you into drugs or drinking. We need to be clean in our bodies. Live life long being yourself.

keenan perez said...

a drug is something that messes up ur life and it can get u in a lot of trouble. like my dad he went to prison because of drugs and he got out now he is running away from the cops because he did drugs which made him do bad things

angel martinez said...

a drug is something most all teenagers use drugs could mess your whole life up drugs can kill you make you loose your house your parents trust.soo dont ty drugs not even once

Christopher Anderson said...

MY cousin was smoking mariuanja and now doing meth... it made me feel like i had a bad influence from him.

natalie castillo said...

A drug can ruin a family or friends apart you can die from drugs

Tiffany (: said...

A drug can ruin a family apart,also you can die from a drug or over dosing on it.Then you can end up in the hospital or get caught using them.drugs ruin your life,and and it can effect you and your family for a long time if you don't get help or stop!!!

Luiza Salvarova said...

A drug is medicine that harms prople but it just doesnt harm people but it also kills people. People choose drugs rather than their nice family which means that they are choosing a nice life or bad life. Millions of people choose drugs becaus they say that it make their life better.

Jazmine Rivera said...

drugs are a poison to people.people are upset and mad becuase of drugs. i feel bad for people whos families are drifting apart.if they made a paper and asked pepole if drugs should not be smuggled in to the country.we should sighn it and see how much people don't like drugs.we should apsolutly do something.we should put a stop to drugs.teenagers need to stop doing drugs.

Leva Sepehri said...

Drugs are something people do to make themselves feel better. When something bad happens to someone that effects them badly they feel like theres nothing else to life so they do drugs.

Anonymous said...

a drug is something that is illegaly used and it can affect people because when you take drugs your body starts to get amune to it and thsts why so many people cant stop taking them and there families start to fall apart and people go CRAzY!

Chandler Collins said...

Drugs are bad. I think drugs are bad because they make you addicted to them. When you get addicted it is hard to quit being addicted. Drugs are not good things and i hope nobody i know will use them. Drugs are bad for you.

Anton rambur said...

they sre bad for you and they often make people go crazy so just dont do drugs

Anonymous said...

Drugs are terrible for you and should never be used. i dont know how crazy you would half to be to commit to doing that to yourself.

chyna moudy said...

I also have a cousin at our school who is in seventh grade who tried smoking something and his older brother called my grandma. next thing that happened myusin and his 14 year old friends were being tested for drugs. it's a sad thing because he doesn't care.

Gabriela Perez said...

I wouldn't even believe people if they said drugs are good. They probaly had a experience with drugs and are addicted. People please don't to drugs it can really screw up your life and you will go crazy. drugs are really bad don't do them you can have a chance to live longer with out drugs in your body you are better than drugs!! Really you are.

abby marsh said...

i think drugs are bad because they make you hurt people. drugs are killing people and it needs to stop. the meth project is a serious thing for the state. they need to try to kill the drugs so people can get sober.

Anonymous said...

A drug is a prescription for sick people, but not everybody uses it like that, some people use it to feel happie and forget about their problems but its the opposite of fixing it, their only messing them up more.