Last week I spoke to the victims...this week I want to address the bully. (Everyone needs to read this, though. I think, if we were honest, we've all been a bully at some point in our lives.)
The words we say will do one of two things. First, they will build another person up and encourage them...OR...Second, they will tear that person down and wound them. That's what bullies do. Bullies tear people down. Is that what you want to be known for? Do you want to be known for the fact that you changed another person's future...for the worse?
...that, because of your actions, another person will never become what they were supposed to become because they lost confidence?
...that, because of your actions, another person will never experience the relationships they were supposed to because they didn't think they were worth it?
...that, because of your actions, another person will never be?
Is that what you want to be known for? Imagine for a moment that someone took a recorder and recorded your words. Would you be proud of the playback? Take a moment and click on "Edgar's Story" and read about his experience.
I don't know why you bully. Maybe you're popular and you think it makes you cooler. Maybe you were bullied and now you feel you deserve to make someone else miserable. I don't care what the reason is...THIS STUFF HURTS!
It's time to stop. What do you want to be known for? It's not too late to change and to use your energy for something better. Be remembered because you made a difference!
QUESTION FIVE: Why do bullies bully?
This is YOUR site. Tell me what you think about the posted topic or ask any questions. I only have three rules. First, honesty is valued and encouraged. You may not agree and that is fine, but keep it respectful and clean. Second, do not post comments meant to hurt another person or point them out by mentioning names. Third, if the comment is encouraging an illegal activity it is not allowed. All posts are reviewed prior to being published. Let's talk...
bullies bully because they were either bullied before,and they want to make people hurt inside like they did,or they are just doing it to make themselves look cooler. Bullies, if you dont want to be bullied, then just dont bully others, if you had been bullied before, remember what it felt like, remember how you felt, and put yourself in their shoes, and ask yourself, how do i feel?,have i been doing this to him/her the whole time? it doesn't feel good at all does it, time to change!!
look, who all likes to be bullied?... no one, i know i dont.
So just stop bullying! it will make everyones life even better!
Time for a change!!!!
i think bullies bully because they might got that from his or her parents education for example being hit.another thing it is that they do that to get more popular than the others. and also because they got bullied, and that person might want that person who he or she is bulling to feel the same as the bully did.
I believe bullies bully other kids because they love the rush it gives them. I think they enjoy bulling kids to feel better because they were bullied in the past. I know it is mean to say but grow up and quit. Everyone is right it is time for a change. A change of heart so stop the bulling and change you heart.
Bullies are Self-conscious. They might not understand why they are doing it. A rude remark is bulling. No-one wants to be called a dumbie or a nerd. Ive been called both.
Some bullies are abused or have been hurt in a way no-one understands. Bullies have been around for several centuries. Some bullies bully littler kids because they think its cool and their friends always laugh. The victim has no idea why the bully chose him/her. Maybe they appear as a threat or are somehow similar to the bully. All i know is no-one should have to be tormented about the way they are. It needs to end and someone needs to step forward and end this before it causes harm to an Innocent person.
i think they bully becase the just like to show off to there friends and try to be cool and stuff and also beacase im gessing they have beean bullied to.
Sometimes I think people who say mean things are saying them in retaliation to something someone said or did to them. Although they are bullying, they too feel like the victim. Bullying is rarely one-sided. The solution then is not to respond meanly when someone says something mean and report it if it continues.
I like the idea of the bully box that will be going up in the library. It sounds like a very safe yet very mature way to deal with bullies. I hate seeing kids getting bullied in the hallway. I saw a sixth grader beeing bullied so I took a stand, I told the bully to back off. The next day they did it again so after school I sat down with them and I told them why bullying was wrong in so many different ways, and that they needed to feel extremely bad about what they were doing. Over the next 3 days I watch or observed the bully and every single one of those days they carried the victoms bags tho EVERY class even to be late them selfs. Student and Staff of Robert Stuart, if you see someone bullying someone pull the bully aside ad tell the why bullying is wrong before going to Mr. Teske. I know and understand that in past blogs I have personly said turn it in right away but if my technique works we could end bullying all over the world without all the harsh treatment.
Yours truely,
Kenna Stubblefield
I love, love, LOVE seeing students realize that they can make a difference! You don't have to be an just have to have the desire and commitment to make your world a better place.
I like to think as my self as a dog. I like being tought new things*(tricks) but not in a harsh way. I like my teacher to say nice things and maturely teach me stuff. I feel sometimes that this is how some bullies feel. They most likely don't like being yelled out but with all the bullying they do I say yell away.Until they stop the dumb stuff.
When someone bullies it hurts someones life really really bad! i think we should help the victims of the bullies and catch them once and for all!! they should not bully at ALL! I wonder.... what makes them do this? it is very sad to see. BULLING needs to stop and students and other people can help so lets make a change and help the victims that are been BULLIED and also stop bulling!! SO lets CHANGE
bullies say mean things to people just to look cool. Once i was called a bulliy for hanging out with one i think it needs to stop bullying. i hate the word..... :)
I think bullying is horrible but i think bullying for no reason is twice as horrible.
I think that all bullies have a really low self asteem and hurt others to make themselves feel better. Especially girls who hurt others with words. Maybe they got hurt with the same words from someone else.
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