There's an activity I like to do when I talk about bullying. I start by showing a dinner plate. I then wrap the dinner plate in a bath towel and place it in the middle of the group. One student is invited to go the towel wrapped plate and say a negative comment or put-down. That student then takes a hammer and hits the towel. One by one, students continue to come to the towel wrapped plate, say a put down, and then hit it with a hammer.
Once we're done, we take a look at what is in front of us. We see a towel and it still looks like a difference. As we open the towel, however, the damage is discovered. The plate that was once whole is now in pieces.
Can the plate be put back together? Well, if someone sat down with a lot of time they may be able to glue it back together again...but it will never be the same. There will be "scars" that never go away.
This is what bullying does and this is what the "Wounded Spirit" is all about. It breaks a person on the inside and once broken it can take a long time to put everything back together again. Then, you have to deal with the scars. I'm an adult, and I can still remember the teasing that I endured. Frank Peretti says he can still remember the faces.
I had a girl just last week tell me that bullying wouldn't bother her because "words don't hurt". Many of us try to live that way. We put on a brave face and try to show the world we're not "broken" inside. Unfortunately, words do hurt and it's time to stop pretending.
Are you "breaking the plate" of someone? Know that you are changing that person forever...they will never be the same. Find someone to help you learn to put plates back together again. You are not a bad person're simply making a bad decision.
Are you "broken"? Find someone to help you put your "plate" back together. YOU ARE WORTH IT! (no matter who you are or what you've done)
QUESTION SIX: In what ways are "plates broken" at our school? In what ways can we put those plates back together again?
This is YOUR site. Tell me what you think about the posted topic or ask any questions. I only have three rules. First, honesty is valued and encouraged. You may not agree and that is fine, but keep it respectful and clean. Second, do not post comments meant to hurt another person or point them out by mentioning names. Third, if the comment is encouraging an illegal activity it is not allowed. All posts are reviewed prior to being published. Let's talk...
To answer your Question... Plates are Very fragile. I like the way you use that example. Alot of times plates break by purpose or by "accident". I Believe accidents are make belief. Nobody likes to be hurt. Sometimes these "accidents" can be harmless jokes and sometimes they can be a mean joke that are well known will hurt.
There is way to much violence in the schools. Plates become more cracked and broken everyday by simply calling someone a name or dis-including a person. These types of things will drive people insane.
People who are hurt take a while long to heal. People can Help. We just have to work together to stomp out bullies.
That way we can insure more unbroken plates and more fun days for everyone.
I think plates are being broken by being teased, and being called names. I think we could put them back together by being kind to each other.
Plates break very easily. Sometime so do people. I think that alot of the time in school, we may accidently nudge the plate a little to far and the plate falls and shatters. All it takes is one bonk. I don't like to walk down the halls and see some plates hit with a hammer. It isn't nice. If you think about it, that's like ruining your mom's best china. She would be devistated if that happened, and she would be furious when she found out you did it on purpose. Some people may think,"It's not china, it's just a regular dish," but I think that everyone is a very special collectable. I am always told by my mom," Treat everyone the way you want to be treated," and I have taken that to heart. People could think that others are different, so it's okay to do it to them. WRONG!!! There is no wierd, no normal, no different. If ther were, only one single person would be normal. None of us are the same. If we were, we would be like robots, and it's no fun. I think it's fun being myself, and to learn the personallities of others. If everyone was the same, how would we make friends? Even though we all have different personallities we are all still humans. We're all human, and we all have feelings. We all need to have respect for everyone. Let's try to follow Rachel's Challenge, and end up with a bunch of clean, unbroken china.
Plates... plates can not be hit without receiving a scratch. the same goes for people. I remember every time i was ditched, dumped, and downright treated wrong. that may make any memory sound horrid but that is not true. for every bully that breaks a plate they the bully starts to break too. have you ever thought of bullies being bullied? yes i know the subject is hard to think about but this is TRUE. most bullies bully because they are bullied, then they bully it starts a chain reaction. that is not the only reason people bully what if their family is poor or somebody they loved just died. you may even have told a joke that has offended somebody. Even showing compassion can make someone mad, compassion also fixes the plate we all know that especially those that have been bullied. DO NOT BULLY IT WILL NOT HELP YOU ON YOUR WAY BULLING ONLY HURTS show compaction and caring and you will succeed in everything.
There are ways that humans can be similar to "broken plates". People are getting made fun of and bullied because the people who bully them, look at the victims differently. All of us don't look the same and we don't all act the same. Kids get bullied because of their looks. They are described as "ugly", "weird-looking", etc. I always say, "Everyone is beautiful in their own ways." Some people may see it and some may not. No one exactly knows why the bullies say those rude things because no one knows their story. But does that give them the right to judge people? No because they don't know the story behind their victims' lives. Words can affect us. It can cause many harmful things and it's terrible to know they have to face the pain everyday. We all can put a smile on our face but that doesn't mean we're always happy. Some people don't want to show their pain and to show how bullying affects them. We all say, "Words never hurt." But it does. I think they say it because they want to be known as the brave one, the one who doesn't care for what people think of them. Wrong. We all care. We shouldn't be judged on our looks at all. No one should be judged for anything. Why bully when you don't know the person at all? We are all unique. We weren't put on Earth to be the same. Just like countries. Are all of them the same? No. They should learn to adapt to their peers around them because we are NOT the same. There's other ways to be similar to a "broken plate" but bullying is probably the one that is most discussed because it happens everyday. Sometimes those "broken plates" can be healed and fixed but not all the way. If you were to glue 2 pieces of a broken plate, you can still see a crack. People still think of the times they were bullied. It will never be forgotten. Don't judge someone if you don't know them. They can be nice and respectful. They are innocent. I think caring and being kind can help heal. Even if it is just a simple, "Hi." or "Good morning!" The littlest things can really change everything. Whether it's nice or rude words. And sarcasm can be brought to different levels and I think students should watch out on when they say it and what they say. Sarcasm isn't always appropriate in every case. If the person is being serious and made a mistake, then we shouldn't joke around about it. If they purposely made a mistake, then it is probably okay to joke around. I think healing can all start with being caring and kind. Being kind can change someone's feelings. "Be kind and start a chain reaction."
People can be fragile just don't their feelings and they won't hurt yours. Everybody has a problem. I say be kind to people and they'll know your a good friend to hang out with you . Always treat some you how you want to be treated. Act like you want someone else that would like the way you act can learn how to make friend like i did. If you hurt somebody give them a hug and say sorry.
I hated when I was bullied. I was called fugly and wierd, because I was not a bully the bully bullied me for it. I will use the example Ms.Strunk told me today. There was a boy who everytime he was bullied he would come home and hammer a nail into a fence post in his back yard.The first day the first nail in the post. The 2nd day the 2nd nail. And so on until the fourth day when the little boy didn't come home. The young man's parents went outback to see if he was there and they ended up seeing all the nails in the post. One by one they pulled them out. Just because you remove something doesn't mean it's going to fill back up. Meaning, just because the bully is out of your life or has stopped doesn't mean the hole in yor heart is going to fill back up. It will still be there,like when you glue back together a plate your still going to have all the crack marks and broken pieces.I want to end bullying no matter what it takes to end it. Broken plates hurt when they hit you. Every piece that breaks is a new rude comment or threat being presurred or brot apon someone.Just stop you jerks is one thing I have to say rude or not.I'm sorry but almost all my life I have felt like a plate being broken and it suck. So I say stop and do what Rachelle Scott did and start a chain reaction to end it.Please so we have a better life for everyone start the chain reaction and end some bullying.
at my school plates are broken by geting put I a locker like i did the first day of my fith grade year at school i hate small spaces. we can fixes that by when we see someone bullying someone else we go tell on them or if you're scared to tell go tell someone else and they can tell the teacher or whow ever is around.
there some ways i know how to put those plates together.#1if a bully hurt your feelings or hurt you all you need to do is go to someone who can help you like for example
Officer Solomon if you confece you'll feel better.But if you keep quiet for a long time youll end up in a hospital. how i put plates back together being kind to people and try to not make them feel like there alone cause there not alone.STOP OUT BULLYING NOW.
Plates are being broken every where but if we stop breaking those plates we wont have to face as much hurt and i think it would be wonderfull for one person to go out of their way to be kind to another person or help someone with something that they need help with. these little things can make a big diffrence so one person should step in and help stop bullying 1 person can help and try to help somebody put their plate back together and just because someone may not be kind to you you should always be nice to them this will insure more and more unbroken plates one person can make school and other places better for every won else. people say words and actions may not bother them but on the inside they have anger a grief that they dont want to let out because they dont want to break someone plate and I would love to be as nice asw i can and help anyone i can to try to make them feel better . And just because you think it may be funny the person your hurting or calling names or teasing in any way will be affected greatly by some of the things you might say . Not including someone in something just because they are not good at it doesnt mean that you or anyone has to be rude and not let them be included. Little things like joking or teasing in a playful manner can really drive someone crazy .i dont understand why someone would think it would be funny and fun to go around breaking other peoples plates . Step im and take a chance ive have been hurt and people have been rude to me just beacause the wauy i look and my teeth ive been hurt and my plate has been broken many diffrent times and i try very hard to make sure someone has a wonderful day. and thats all anyone needs to do to stop bullying
All a bully is is someone who has been teased so much that they take out there anger on other people that dont deserve it
Step In and help some one who is struggling with a bully start a reaction if one person does it everyone might start being kind to every one else. this way not nearly as much plates will be broken and life will be better for you and everyone around you.
I think bulling is a disgusting thing. It hurts me to see people do terrible things like that. Bullying should be a past. I've watched my friends and family get bullied it's a horrifying. I love being a kind hearted person. Officer Soloman you are awesome. Bullying hurts people on the inside and it kills thier selfasteem. We as an awesome middle school need to pe proud and respectful.
Plates are broken because the kiods who brake the plates are breaking to on the inside. A lot of reasons why kids bully is because they are bullied or the dont have the best life at home. It's understandable if you have a hard life but you shouldn't let it out on everybody else. Thats what our councelor is here for. If you don't want to talk to anyone about it it will just get worse. Lets not life around us get to our head, lets think about it first.
bullying, someone who has been pushed around, someone that feels controlled. After that then instead of them being bullied now their the bully. I know what it feels like I've been bullied myself. It hurts, so why not stop it now
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