I've extended this post for one more week!
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Jake will never forget his ninth grade year. Nobody ever paid attention to Jake until a skinny little kid named Paul started coming to his school. That year Jake learned a very valuable lesson about bullying. Click on "Jake's Letter" and take a few minutes to read about his experience. (Trust me...you'll want to read this.)
This week's post is titled "Break Down the Bully Wall". Why is there a bully wall? Because we've allowed it to be built. Too many of us stand by and do nothing. Too many of us think that it's not our problem and we shouldn't get involved. Watch the following video and see what you think...
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It only takes ONE to make a change. It only took ONE student stepping forward and then others joined him. It only took ONE student with the COURAGE to make a difference. That's right...COURAGE! How much do you have?
I will end this week's post with Jake's words..."I walked home that day trying my best not to think about what I could not forget...The older I get, the more I am convinced that the real loser in the ninth grade was me."
QUESTION SEVEN: What is one thing that YOU can do to break down the bully wall? What is one thing that you WILL do?
You could probably tell someone. I would tell an adult.
I can Break down the bully wall by taking a stand and spread word about how its wrong. I will spread the word and if i see an act of bullying i will get a teacher after i stop the nonsense.
I would stand up for who ever is geting bullyed then I would tell an udult what was going on. And bulling is wrong whe i was in 5 grade I got bullyed and it was not fun so however is bulling it's not wright you should stop doing it and say sorry to whow ever you bullyed cuse I'm suer there hurt.
to break down a waal of bullies would be not to let it grow. instead i would have done a wall of friendship or kindess and ill follow rachels challenge. and of course i would tell an officer like officer soloman.
One way you can break the bully wall is by first say please stop. Second say please stop firmly. If they don't stop then try to ignore it. If that doesn't stop it then you need to talk to a councelor or a teacher. I wish we could all stop this bullying. If we tested to see which schools had the worst rate for bullying or has had a lot of bullying, the elementary schools or even maybe us the middle school. Whats the point of bullying, it doesn't make us feel better it makes us feel worse. We feel guilty about getting in trouble or we think other people will stand up to us and think we aren't cool. That doesn't matter, it matters who you are and how you treat people. Trust me one day you'll regret it. You may not relize this but you could ruin someones life or year. We need to stand up and stop bullying forever. Lets start a chain reaction!
Bullying is not right. I remember being bullied for about 5 years before someone stood up for me. That one person told an adult, who told the pricipal, who had a conferrence with me and the bully. The bully still didn't stop, though, until that one person, while the bully was making jokes about me, went up and told the bully to knock it off. Some others that knew me joined as well. That got the bully to stop. I was, and still am, not bullied any more. About a week later the bully came and appologized! Apparently he only harassed me becaused it made him feel good, but now it didn't because he felt guilty. I tell you this story to try to tell you to stick up for people. It will pay off! I Still remember that person from 5 years ago, and I don't know where I'd be right now if no one had stood up for me. Be that person I remember with fondness. I too am trying to stick up for others now because I Know firsthand how good it feels.
How I would break down the bully wall is by standing up and pushing out the question {Why do this when you are capeable of way better things?} I hate seeing this happen so I do take a stand. I know it's not part of bullying but today I helped my friend{anonymous}carry his things to class.He was carrying two heavy books,a big binder,and two AR books to science. Everything was about to fall so I took the two books and the AR books to his seat in science and then went to my class.
friends,enemies,kindess,cruelness. You start out as being friends or almost friends and then you go seperate ways or have a fight. Then what happens? That's when the bullying starts. Just because you think it makes you feel better or look cooler. It doesn't. All bullying does is hurt people and sometimes it gets so bad it turns into a fight. All this bullying leads from one thing to another. Which means it gets worse. Lets make life better for all of eachother. Stand up no matter what.
when i was 8 or 9 kids would make fun of me because of my appearence and people still do nobody has gotten the corage to do that untill the other day in passing time that helped alot that one person made a big diffrence and all he did was go out of his way to help me wich was incredibly nice people wont let me play in sports or participate in certain games when i see someone getting bullied i go to an adult or stand up and tell the bully to stop ... I remember I was in P.E. and i saw someone doing something they werent supposed to and the first thing i did was go to the P.E. Teacher and now gids call me a "Snitch" just beacause i did the right thing so steo in and do the right thing dont let someone sit there and be picked on Do Something Break the wall
Ok, well i think anout like this. In the beginning people would bully, to make themselves feel better. Is that still true, yes it is but from a dierent perspective. When a kid feels like hes unimportant becaue hes being bullied a lot of the time they become a bully, they ant to fit in. Once you are in the higher grades its a different type of bullying. A lot of the time people dont intentionally bully, they just mess around with you and theey dont realize how far its gone. The thing is most kids wont tell an adult because there will be more kids bullying them. You want to know what i have noticed, why arent the adults do much, just because no one has come fourth doesnt mean they can ust wait for it to happen. There should be more adults paying attention. Also the kids watching the bullying need to toughen up. The kid bullying half the time wont do anything, and if he does 1 against the whole school he doesnt have a chance.
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