Monday, December 19, 2011

Myth #1: "Casual Use is OK"

Too many people think that they can simply try drugs once and it won't affect them.  Other people believe that they can control how they use drugs.  Very few people, if any, try drugs or other addictive substances with the intention of becoming drug addicts and abusers.  Most abusers state, "If I had only known...."

If the video doesn't play, click on the following link and then return to this page.

In Masquerade, we learn about "The Slippery Slope of Drug Usage."

Level 1:  The Experimental Stage...This is the stage where a substance is tried for the first time.

Level 2:  The Casual Users Stage...People at this stage have decided that they like the feeling they get when they're high, but they limit their use to "certain times or special occasions."

Level 3:  The Regular Users Stage...At the stage, people want the high more than just once in awhile.  “They can usually still function at work and school, but they are dangerously close to becoming chemically addicted.”  At this point, people around them start to notice signs.
Level 4:  The Chemical Addiction Stage...People at this stage "are in total denial about it," but it is obvious to everyone around.  The dangers at this stage are immense.  (Masquerade Discussion Guide, pages 17 and 18)

Please note...Do not think that only those people at Level 4 are in danger!  There are many stories of young people who died after only one use.

For those of you in eighth grade, you met one of my co-workers last week when he visited your Health class.  He shared with you why the Idaho Meth Project uses the phrase "Not Even Once" as their slogan.  We learned that the very first time you use meth is the highest you will ever be.  After that, you will spend your time "chasing" that first high but never finding it because you will never be that high again.

That's why Level 1 and Level 2 are so dangerous.  It's the SLIPPERY SLOPE!  Once you experience the high, you will want that high again and again.  You will not be able to control it!

Casual use in NOT okay!  It leads to abuse, addiction...and DEATH!

If you are already on the slippery slope...or know someone who is...get help!  Save a life!

QUESTION SIX:  We can experience life's "highs" without using drugs or other dangerous substances.  What are some things that you do that give you a "life high"?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Legal...But Controlled (The Truth About Alcohol and Tobacco)

We call alcohol and tobacco legal, but controlled substances.  This is because once you are a certain age, it is legal to consume these substances.  Under a certain age, however, it is illegal.

In Idaho, it is illegal to possess or consume alcohol under the age of 21.  One of the reasons is that alcohol can have serious, long-term consequences for a body and brain that are still developing.

Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) shares that, "Alcohol use remains extremely widespread among today’s teenagers.  Nearly three quarters of students (72%) have consumed alcohol (more than just a few sips) by the end of high school, and more than a third (37%) have done so by eighth grade." states that alcohol can "damage the part of your brain that controls coordination, memory, judgment and decision-making...Unable to move and think clearly, you can do stupid, risky and reckless things that are unsafe, or even lethal. Each year, approximately 5,000 people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking. This includes about 1,900 deaths from car accidents, 1,600 homicides, 300 suicides, and hundreds of other deaths due to accidents like falls, burns and drownings."

In Idaho, is it illegal to possess tobacco under the age of 18.  Nicotine, the main drug in tobacco products, is one of the most highly addictive drugs we know.  Most adults who are addicted started when they were teenagers and the majority wish they never had.

Students Against Destructive Decistions (SADD) states that, "Nearly half (44%) of American young people have tried cigarettes by twelfth grade, and one out of five (20%) twelfth graders is a current smoker." states that, "Smoking harms your immune system and can affect nearly every organ of your body...Here are some numbers to consider: In the 40 years between 1964 and 2004, cigarette smoking caused an estimated 12 million deaths...In 2010, more than 220,000 new cases of lung cancer were reported, and more than 150,000 Americans died as a direct result of the disease."

If the video doesn't play, click on the following link and then return to this page.

If you are underage and are caught in possession and/or consuming alcohol or tobacco you can be arrested and charged.  In school you can also face additional charges.  Many sports and academic programs have a code of conduct which dismisses you from the program if caught.  Is it worth the risk?  What about the medical risks and long-term health consequences?

Is everyone really doing it?  Think again...students who are committed to their future say no.

QUESTION FIVE:  What do you think about alcohol and tobacco? 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Prescription Drug Abuse...The Facts

The National Council on Patient Information and Education states that...
  • 1 in 5 teens has abused prescription drugs.
  • 1 in 3 teens reports there is "nothing wrong" when using prescription drugs "every once and a while."
  • 1 in 3 teens report knowing someone who abuses prescription drugs. 
  • Every day, almost 2,500 teens abuse a prescription drug for the first time.
  • Prescription drugs are abused more than cocaine, heroin, ecstasy and methamphetamine combined.

So, what's the big deal?  I found the following information on a brochure obtained from  I am quoting directly from the brochure titled "The Effects of Abusing Prescription Drugs are Painfully Obvious".

Between addiction and death there is lying, cheating 
and stealing.  Families are broken and friendships are destroyed.  
If you haven't gotten it by now, the reasons not to abuse 
prescription drugs are...
no one wants to be around someone who's shaking, stinking, and puking.  The physical effects of abusing prescription drugs include severe shaking, diarrhea, and throwing up.
when someone is passed out they're very boring.  Other effects include dizziness, heavy sweating, and loss of consciousness.
dead people are no fun.  The worst effects of abusing prescription drugs are addiction and death.

Prescription drug abuse is very dangerous!  Prescription drugs are safe only when they are prescribed by a doctor and taken as directed.  Doctors evaluate and do the necessary tests to ensure that the drugs they are prescribing to a patient will not harm them.  Prescription drugs taken without this recommendation, in the wrong way, and/or mixed with something they should not be mixed with....CAN KILL YOU!

Also, giving prescription drugs to someone else is a crime and you will be arrested.  Going to jail is not cool!

If the video doesn't play, click on the following link and then return to this page.

QUESTION FOUR:  Did anything from this week's post surprise you?  What would you share with a friend who was abusing prescription drugs?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Illegal Drugs

Drugs are classified as illegal substances when the government says that you are not allowed to possess that substance regardless of your age.  Examples of illegal drugs are methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, and marijuana.  If you are caught with these substances you can go to jail and you will be charged with a matter how old you are.'ve heard the talks since you were in elementary school.  "SAY NO TO DRUGS!"  I don't need to tell you that drugs are chemicals that will affect your brain.  You were taught that drugs have short-term, immediate consequences and long-term consequences that will affect you for the rest of your life.  You already know that one use can kill you.

So, why do people still try drugs?

The Foundation for a Drug-Free World states that some of the reasons that young people use drugs are to fit in, to escape, to relax, to relieve boredom, to appear grown-up, to rebel, and to experiment.  Are you willing to risk your entire future for one of these reasons?   
(The Truth About Drugs Booklet, page 6)

The following video clip shows several adults who used drugs when they were younger.  The common phrase is "If I had known..."

(Click on the following link to watch this short, three minute video, and then return to this page.)

In their booklet titled "The Truth About Drugs", The Foundation for a Drug-Free World tells the story of Ben.

"It started with the weed, then the pills (Ecstasy)
and acid, making cocktails of all sorts of drugs, even
overdosing to make the rushes last longer. I had a
bad trip one night . . . I prayed and cried for this feeling
to go away, I had voices in my head, had the shakes and
couldn’t leave home for six months. I thought everyone
was watching me. I couldn’t walk in public places. 
Man! I couldn’t even drive.

“I ended up homeless and on the streets, 
living and sleeping in a cardboard box, 
begging and struggling to find ways 
to get my next meal.” — Ben
(The Truth About Drugs Booklet, page 5)

In the beginning, I'm sure Ben just thought he was having a little fun...but see what happened.

As a police officer, I see this truth in reality on a regular basis...right here, in our town.  Don't let this be your story!

QUESTION THREE:  What are some reasons young people use drugs?  What would you tell someone who was trying to get you to use drugs?

Monday, November 21, 2011

"What Is a Drug?"

Just the other day, I talked with a twelve year old student who had already used marijuana.  This student was given marijuana by another teenager.  Substance abuse may not be a huge issue at our school, but for some of our is a way of life outside of school.  Something needs to be done! 

So, if we're going to talk about substance abuse, we need to state what that includes.  My definition of "drug" includes any substance and/or chemical that alters the way your body was designed to function.  It's easy to say that marijuana and methamphetamine are drugs...but that's not all.  There are many other substances that can negatively affect your life and the lives of those around you.

For the purposes of our discussion, the following substances are considered "drugs":
  • Illegal Substances:  marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin, etc.
  • Prescription Medication:  any medication that requires a doctor's prescription
  • Over-the-Counter Medication:  medicine that you can buy in the store without a special license or doctor's note, i.e. cold medication
  • Legal, but Controlled Substances:  alcohol and tobacco
  • Illicitly Used Substances:  legal substances used improperly, i.e. huffing
  • Performance Enhancers:  using and abusing substances to make your body do more than it was intended, i.e. steroids
Whether legal, or illegal, any of these substances are addictive and dangerous when they are misused and/or abused.  Any one of these substances can kill you!

If the video doesn't play, click on the following link and then return to this page.

I titled my blog "Know Your Worth".  I truly believe that most people engage in risky and dangerous behaviors because they simply do not know how special and worthwhile they are.  There is a purpose to your life and you have value.  In order to become all that you can be, you need to start now by making good choices.  YOU ARE WORTH IT!  Don't miss out on what life has in store for you.

QUESTION TWO:  Without mentioning names, share a real-life example of substance abuse.  Maybe you saw it or heard about it.  Maybe it's your own story.  How did it make you feel? 
(Remember...don't mention names!  We are here to discuss and learn, not gossip.)

Monday, November 14, 2011


There is an older video that I own called "Masquerade".  Even though it is older, I love it and believe it is still good for today.  It features a man by the name of Milton Creagh.  You may recognize this name, because Milton Creagh actually visited Twin Falls within the last few years.  Creagh has a message.  It's a message for young people about the choices they make and how those choices affect your life and the lives of those around you.

In the video "Masquerade", Creagh says that our life is like walking down a hallway full of doors.  Creagh states that "each door is a different type of behavior that can trap you."  Some of those behaviors are good and some are bad.  Unfortunately, some of the bad behaviors sound really fun when you're listening from the other side of the door.  As a young person trying to fit in, it could be really easy to run right through the door.  But WAIT...will the fun only last for the moment?  How is that choice going to affect your life?  Will you be trapped?

One of the doors that you will have to confront is the door concerning "drug" use.  We'll talk about what a "drug" is later, but I'm not just talking about illegal drugs.  This door also involves alcohol, tobacco, prescription medication, and many more.  During the next several weeks we are going to discuss these substances and the myths that surround them.

You may be thinking, "I don't need another drug talk."  Well, I don't want this to be a talk...I want it to be a discussion.  I'm going to try to keep my posts short, because I want to know what you think about this issue.  Get involved in the discussion!  It's important that you comment, because it is through those comments that we are all going to learn how this problem affects us and how we can change it.

Our Quarter Two topic is...SUBSTANCE ABUSE.  Let's talk!

QUESTION ONE:  Do you think substance abuse is an issue at your school?  Why?  Have you seen evidence of it?

Sunday, November 6, 2011


When I lived in Great Britain, one of my favorite things to see were the castle ruins. Most of the castles were surrounded by a tall wall and during medieval times, guards would stand on that wall. They would watch for anything coming from the outside that would cause danger to the people living inside the wall. In essence, the guards were standing on the wall to protect the people.

In Frank Peretti's book there is a dedication page where Peretti dedicates his book...

To Mom and Dad, whose love and
encouragement never wavered, and to John,
who stood on the wall.

Peretti talks about the faces of the bullies that he'll never forget, but he also talks about another face...John. One day in gym class another student decided to demonstrate his "power" by punching out Peretti. John, who was a rather large student, stepped between this student and Peretti...and Peretti never had a problem with that student again.  John stood on the wall for Peretti.

I don't know about you, but I'd like to be known as a person who  
stands on the wall.  Is there truly anything better than that?

If the video doesn't play, click on the following link and then return to this page.

"I don't get involved. What's wrong with that?" YOU TELL ME!

QUESTION EIGHT:  Well, it's not really a question, but complete the following statement... 


Sunday, October 23, 2011

"Break Down the Bully Wall"

I've extended this post for one more week!
Share it with your friends.

Jake will never forget his ninth grade year. Nobody ever paid attention to Jake until a skinny little kid named Paul started coming to his school. That year Jake learned a very valuable lesson about bullying. Click on "Jake's Letter" and take a few minutes to read about his experience. (Trust'll want to read this.) 

This week's post is titled "Break Down the Bully Wall". Why is there a bully wall? Because we've allowed it to be built. Too many of us stand by and do nothing. Too many of us think that it's not our problem and we shouldn't get involved. Watch the following video and see what you think...

If the video doesn't play, click on the following link and then return to this page... 

It only takes ONE to make a change. It only took ONE student stepping forward and then others joined him. It only took ONE student with the COURAGE to make a difference. That's right...COURAGE! How much do you have?

I will end this week's post with Jake's words..."I walked home that day trying my best not to think about what I could not forget...The older I get, the more I am convinced that the real loser in the ninth grade was me."

QUESTION SEVEN:  What is one thing that YOU can do to break down the bully wall? What is one thing that you WILL do? 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

"...Words That Heal"

There's an activity I like to do when I talk about bullying. I start by showing a dinner plate. I then wrap the dinner plate in a bath towel and place it in the middle of the group. One student is invited to go the towel wrapped plate and say a negative comment or put-down. That student then takes a hammer and hits the towel. One by one, students continue to come to the towel wrapped plate, say a put down, and then hit it with a hammer.

Once we're done, we take a look at what is in front of us. We see a towel and it still looks like a difference. As we open the towel, however, the damage is discovered. The plate that was once whole is now in pieces.
Can the plate be put back together? Well, if someone sat down with a lot of time they may be able to glue it back together again...but it will never be the same. There will be "scars" that never go away.

This is what bullying does and this is what the "Wounded Spirit" is all about. It breaks a person on the inside and once broken it can take a long time to put everything back together again. Then, you have to deal with the scars. I'm an adult, and I can still remember the teasing that I endured. Frank Peretti says he can still remember the faces.

I had a girl just last week tell me that bullying wouldn't bother her because "words don't hurt". Many of us try to live that way. We put on a brave face and try to show the world we're not "broken" inside. Unfortunately, words do hurt and it's time to stop pretending. 

Are you "breaking the plate" of someone? Know that you are changing that person forever...they will never be the same. Find someone to help you learn to put plates back together again. You are not a bad person're simply making a bad decision. 

Are you "broken"? Find someone to help you put your "plate" back together. YOU ARE WORTH IT! (no matter who you are or what you've done)

QUESTION SIX:  In what ways are "plates broken" at our school? In what ways can we put those plates back together again?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

"Words That Hurt..."

Last week I spoke to the victims...this week I want to address the bully. (Everyone needs to read this, though. I think, if we were honest, we've all been a bully at some point in our lives.)

The words we say will do one of two things. First, they will build another person up and encourage them...OR...Second, they will tear that person down and wound them. That's what bullies do. Bullies tear people down. Is that what you want to be known for? Do you want to be known for the fact that you changed another person's future...for the worse? 

...that, because of your actions, another person will never become what they were supposed to become because they lost confidence?  

...that, because of your actions, another person will never experience the relationships they were supposed to because they didn't think they were worth it? 

...that, because of your actions, another person will never be? 

Is that what you want to be known for? Imagine for a moment that someone took a recorder and recorded your words. Would you be proud of the playback?  Take a moment and click on "Edgar's Story" and read about his experience.

I don't know why you bully. Maybe you're popular and you think it makes you cooler. Maybe you were bullied and now you feel you deserve to make someone else miserable. I don't care what the reason is...THIS STUFF HURTS!

It's time to stop. What do you want to be known for? It's not too late to change and to use your energy for something better. Be remembered because you made a difference!

QUESTION FIVE:  Why do bullies bully?

Monday, October 3, 2011

Fight the Power!

So, what is a "real" solution to this bully problem? Well, it takes one word...COMMITMENT! I'll tell you how it's done in three steps...

First, "Accept your imperfections. You are not alone." Confession time...I am NOT perfect! I make mistakes on a daily basis and you do to. That's're human. I also know that there are parts of my physical appearance that are not "perfect".  No one is! If you look deep enough, you will find a flaw with everyone. (If you disagree with me...come see me and we'll talk.  I'll recant my statement if you can prove me wrong.)  Step one, COMMIT to knowing you are worthwhile just the way you are! KNOW YOUR WORTH!

Second, "Refuse to wear the label that defines you according to your physical or social imperfection." Hey guys and gals, bullies give you labels and if you accept that label the bully wins and will continue their torment.  So, don't let the bully win! Take off that "sticky label", refuse to let your imperfection define you, and let the things you're good at define who you are. Show the bullies that while they see your imperfection as a target, you know it's nothing you have control over and it's not going to affect the person that you are.  Step two, COMMIT to not believing the labels!  Yes, it is YOUR choice!

Third...THE MOST IMPORTANT...decide "that you are not going to put up with it anymore." How? COMMIT TO IT in three steps...hang in there, this is important...

"First, seek help." Find someone who cares and will listen, and don't expect that the first person will be the solution. You may have to approach several people before you find THE ONE, but don't give up. Frank Peretti didn't give up and he finally found a teacher that made all the difference...after several who didn't. 

"Second, tell your story." Write it, record it, share it...get it off your chest so that you don't have to fight the battle yourself.  Frank Peretti couldn't share his experience verbally with his teacher, so he wrote a letter.  

"Third, confront the people who are hurting you."  OK...OK...I know..."there is a right time and place for this." Let your trusted adult help you when the time is right. The bully needs to see you as a "real person" and not a target for abuse. The bully needs to know how his/her attacks have affected you.  

Step three, COMMIT to not putting up with it. Who knows? Maybe you'll be THE ONE to save someone else from the torment of this bully.

Okay, that was a long one, but my hope is that students suffering, and those who are not, will COMMIT to changing lives for the better. My commitment to you...I will be that adult for you! If you don't know anyone else to talk to...or maybe you've tried and tried and no one seems to help...come find me.  Let's make a difference!

QUESTION FOUR:  What do you think? Will this change your life or the life of someone you know?
(Quotes taken from pages 28-30 in The Wounded Spirit Leader's Guide.)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

"No More Band-Aids"

Why do people bully others?  Well, there are many reasons, but I think the biggest reason is they like the feeling of power it gives them.  Bullies gain this "power" over others by calling them names, spreading lies, leaving them out, threatening them, scaring them, taking or damaging their property, hitting or kicking them, pressuring them, and making them look weak and fearful.

Wow...I feel horrible just reading that list.  Imagine being the victim.  Bullying can make a victim feel unsafe and afraid, unhappy and lonely.  Bullying can cause a victim to doubt and blame themself, lose their confidence, and puts them under great mental stress.  Sometimes bullying can even make the victim physically sick from fear and anxiety.  Would you want to live this way?  Do you live this way?


I'm tired of all the "band-aids" we try to put on this problem.  What do I mean?  Too many times we just don't know how to solve the problem, so we give solutions like "just ignore them" or "stay away from them".  Are these solutions?  No way!  The problem is still there.

So, how do we truly SOLVE the problem of BULLYING?  Well...that's next week's topic...

QUESTION THREE:  What do you think would truly solve the problem of BULLYING?  (not a "band-aid"...a real solution)

(Certain ideas and excerpts taken from pages 28 and 29 in The Wounded Spirit Leader's Guide.) 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Time for a Change

I want you to imagine for a moment...Think about someone who has been bullied.  Imagine that you had a sheet of sticky labels and a marker.  I want you to write all those nasty names and negative comments on labels and (in your mind) stick them all over that person.  Now, imagine for a moment what that person must feel like.

Frank Peretti was that person.  He was attacked with labels from the time he turned five and entered kindergarten all the way through middle school.  Frank says that the worst moment, however, came when he had his first PE class and everyone had to take a shower.  The "attack" simply got worse...and for something he had no control over.

Fortunately, Frank Peretti's life changed.  One day when he was feeling especially low, a teacher...ONE teacher...asked Frank how he was doing.  Frank says it was the first time anyone had expressed an interest in him as a person.  Frank wrote a letter to that teacher detailing everything that had been going on and that teacher made the changes necessary to completely alter Frank's life forever.

Just last week I had a student come to me.  Another student had called him a name and everyone around him had laughed.  The student stated that following that incident several other students started calling him that name as well.  The student was "wounded".

I think it's TIME FOR A CHANGE!  All it takes is ONE...ONE student...ONE make a difference in a person's life that will last forever.  Think about the story that "The Standards" shared with us last week.  Will you be the ONE?

QUESTION TWO:  Do you think it is time for a change?  What would you like to see changed?  How can you be the ONE to make this happen?

Monday, September 12, 2011

"The Wounded Spirit"

My favorite author in the whole world is a guy by the name of Frank Peretti.  Frank Peretti writes some scary stuff…books that you have to put away when it gets too dark outside.  In 2000, Peretti shocked his readers by publishing a non-fiction book titled “The Wounded Spirit”.  This book was Peretti’s autobiography and told the story of a young boy who, due to complications at birth, did not look or talk like everyone else.  It told the story of a boy who suffered greatly because of the torment of fellow students at school.

I don’t need to tell you what BULLYING is…you know.  I don’t need to tell you that BULLYING is wrong…you know that, too.  So, why does it happen?  Why do we get such pleasure from teasing other people…often for things they have no control over?  Does it somehow make us better than them?

QUESTION ONE:  Frank Peretti’s book about bullying is titled The Wounded Spirit.  Why do you think he chose that title?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome back to school!

This blog is a place for you to talk and to tell me what you think about our quarterly topics.  I want to encourage you to comment, because there will be a prize!  Every week I am going to pick one comment to be the “Blog of the Week”.  It may be short or it may be longer, but it will be a comment that really showed some thought about the topic.  At the end of each quarter all of the students who wrote a “Blog of the Week” will get a special prize.  (Special note… a winning blog can be written anonymously, but in order to win a prize you must identify yourself.)

How do I post a comment?  Click on “comments” below the post.  Type your comment and then click on “Name/URL” below the box.  This will give you a place to type your name.  If you do not wish to be identified, simply click on “Anonymous”.  When you are finished, click on “Publish Your Comment”.  Please ensure that a yellow box appears at the top of the page stating that your comment was saved.  I will review your comment, and as long as it follows the rules, it will be posted.  If you have any issues, please let me know so we can get them resolved.
So, our first quarter topic is … BULLYING.  Your first question will be posted next week.