Monday, April 2, 2012

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Please browse the archive to the right for past posts on important topics.  Your comments will still be received and reviewed.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Dangers of Sexting

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What is sexting?  Sexting is sending any text or picture that is sexual in nature.

Our topic last week focused on how once you post something, you can't take it back.  You may think you're only sending a picture to your boyfriend or girlfriend, but you are actually sending it to the world.  Even if your friend says they won't share it with anyone else, you are risking other people seeing you in a way you probably don't want.  

It is not worth the risk!

The other thing that many people don't understand is that IT IS A CRIME!  Sending an inappropriate picture is a felony offense and can result in your immediate arrest.  It is also a crime to simply be in possession of the inappropriate picture.  Even if you did not send it, just having it can result in your arrest.  I've had the detective in my office already this year in regards to this very issue.  

It is not worth the risk!

Your body and the private things that belong to you are yours and you should protect them with all that you've got.  Once you "give them away" you can never get them back.  


QUESTION FOUR:  What do you think about sexting?  Do you think it's a big deal?  Have you had personal experience with sexting?

Monday, February 6, 2012

"You Can't Take It Back"

Have you ever heard someone say, "I put my foot in mouth"?  Do you know what that means?  Typically someone will say that when they've said something they should not have said.  It's one of those comments that you realize you shouldn't have said, but it has already come out of your mouth.  It's the realization that you can't take it back.

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The boy in the video learned a valuable lesson.  Just like you can't take back something you say, you can't take back something you fact, it's even worse.  After you post something, you lose control of it.  That's why it is so important to think before you post.

The boy in the video stated that he never would have said those things to the person's face.  He said he didn't even mean them.  It was just a joke...a game.  So why did he post them?

Maybe that's the test we should use before we post.  Ask yourself if you would tell someone to their face what you are about to post?

Remember, once you post it...YOU CAN'T TAKE IT BACK! 

QUESTION THREE:  Have you ever posted or said something that you shouldn't have?  Tell me about it.

Monday, January 30, 2012

"Broken Friendship"

What is your dream car?  Imagine for a moment that I am giving you that car, fitted with all the special features you want.  Money is not an issue.  It's the car of your dreams and it's yours...with two for you and a spare.  What do you do with the spare key?  Would you give it to your best friend at school?  Watch this video...

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The girl in this video thought she was safe giving her password to her best friend.  As we saw, however, even if we only give that information to someone we truly trust…it can still have negative consequences.

Once someone has your password they have access to you.  They can assume your identity and mess with your stuff.  When you get older, not protecting your password can affect you financially since people will have access to your bank records and credit card numbers.  Most times, when this happens…there’s not a thing that can be done for you.  You’ll have lost whatever was taken.

Earlier this year a student came to me to report that his school e-mail account had been “hacked”.  Someone had gone into his account and created probably a hundred or more inappropriate files under his name.  While I was talking to this student, I learned that he hadn’t been too careful with his password.  As a result, another student had gained access to his account.

Your password is like a key.  It unlocks something that you’ve locked…for a reason.  It is extremely important that you keep your password to yourself and don’t share it with others.

(Special note…Your parent or guardian may ask for your password for multiple reasons.  This is the only instance where you should share your password.)

QUESTION TWO:  What would you tell a friend if you saw them giving their password to someone else?

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cyber Danger


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The's one of the best tools ever provided.  Just think, without it, we wouldn't be having this discussion here.  The internet is, however, full of unexpected dangers lurking behind every mouse click.  It's a scary world.

This quarter we're going to be talking about CYBER DANGER.  We're going to take a look at the risks we take when we share information online.  We're going to talk about what happens when we share inappropriate pictures (including the risk of being arrested).  We're going to hear stories of people who have survived meeting someone online, including the story of a girl who ended up meeting a convicted murderer and lived to tell the tale.

These dangers exist on the computer, your cell phone, gaming systems, and any other device that you use to connect with other people.  Sometimes just typing in your name gives another person all they need to find you.  That's why this topic is SOOOO important.

These are real stories and they happen right here in Twin Falls.  Just last year I was involved in trying to locate a man from Indiana who had traveled here to Twin Falls to pick up a teenage girl.  This is scary stuff!

So, our third quarter topic is CYBER DANGER.  Let's talk...

QUESTION ONE:  Have you or a friend ever had a scary moment online or with your cell phone?  Tell me about it.

Monday, January 16, 2012


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Drugs are a problem because we've allowed them to be a problem.  There will be drug dealers as long as there are people who want to buy drugs.  People will continue to want to buy drugs because they are addicted.  People will continue to be addicted because we continue to believe that "just once" won't be a problem...BUT IT IS!


We may not be able to change the whole world, but we can change our "world", the place where we live.  We need to commit to staying away from any substance that alters the way our body was intended to function.  We need to commit to getting help for those who need it.  We need to commit to be accountable to one another and to hold each other accountable. 

Drugs are not cool.  If someone brings drugs to our school, you need to tell someone.  You may be saving a life.  Take responsibility for making your "world" drug-free.  That's a difference you can make!

QUESTION NINE:  Instead of a question this week, I want you to make a commitment in regards to substance abuse in your life and the lives of those around you.   Complete the following statement...


Monday, January 9, 2012

Myth #3: "We Can Help Our Friends by Simply Being There and Watching Their Backs"

Too many of us simply don't want to get involved.  I heard it in a comment earlier this quarter..."It's none of my business."


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If you have a friend or family member that is using is your business!  It affects you!  Reach out to someone that you trust in order to get them help.  Just "being there" or "watching their back" is NOT going to do anything for them.  They need help!

What are the risks of telling someone?  Well, they may be mad at you.  What are the risks of not telling someone?  Well, they could be dead.  Make the right choice before it's too late.

Here's a scenario...

Your friend gets run over by a car because he was too high to know he shouldn't cross the street.  Your friend is paralyzed for the rest of his life.  When you go to visit him, your friend asks you why you didn't do something.  You respond, "I did...I was there for you."  Get the picture!

Just like the video, you'd never let your friend do something that might kill him.  You'd shout a warning and yell at him to stop.  So, why do we keep quiet when our friends are killing themselves with drugs?

Do you have a friend that is abusing substances (drugs, pills, alcohol, tobacco, etc.)?  Get them help...tell someone.

QUESTION EIGHT:  If your best friend were to start using drugs, what would you do?  Do you have someone that you trust that you could go to?

Monday, January 2, 2012

Myth #2: "Users Are Only Hurting Themselves"

"I'm only hurting myself."

"It's my body! What business is it of yours?"

Too many people think that because drugs are only affecting their body then it should be their choice.  Are drug users really "only hurting themselves"?  Let's start with the bigger picture...

In regards to society...When drug use increases, so does crime and violence.  Insurance costs and taxes increase due to the number of people seeking help who can't pay for it.  Innocent people become victims because of other people's bad choices.  Children become orphans, both real and figuratively.

In regards to your friends...relationships and friendships are broken.  Someone you know could be killed in an accident because someone else was high.  Someone you know could be hurt or killed because they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

In regards to your family...families are torn apart by drug use.  I have read many of your comments over the last couple of weeks and many of you have encountered the pain of a family member who has used drugs.  Think what would happen to your family if you used drugs.  Would life go on as it always has?  Watch the following video...

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If you become addicted to drugs, you are not only hurting yourself.  You are hurting your family, friends, and the world in which you live.  Is that how you want to be remembered?

Make a change in this world for the better...
don't make a change for the worse!

QUESTION SEVEN:  If your best friend were to start using drugs, how would that affect you?